FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Are you aware of any issues with the FTP servers today? I uploaded 14 files and only the last three made it to my account. 4 hours has elapsed and the other 11 files still aren't showing in my account. Let me know. Thanks.
I love the FS service but...
FS needs to close for new free user signups or lower the storage space for free users until you get things more under control.

Otherwise FS will get a bad reputation.

My status is that I cant upload via FTP, remote uploads are very slow, if they do not fail - and downloaders sometimes get "file not found".

At this point I can not recommend FS to other uploaders.

(Yes I have only used the service for 1 week - and it was flying when I started 7 days ago. But a lot of hickups in the past 3 days.)

.NFOs and .SFVs fails almost every time when I use remote upload from RS.

If limiting remote uploads can fix all the problems, it would be great :)
@ NickG: FTP was just having some issues past couple of hours. Was told a fix should be up very soon. Yes, it took me ~20 min. to get 40 min. transferred.

@ Gerner2010: The FTP and Remote Upload are done by different machines. If one goes up in flames, the other won't & vice versa. Remote Upload had a bottleneck issue this whole morning and users were getting their files slow. We should have this fixed shortly as well when we add more machines

@ Dman: Haven't seen a lot of 410 Error-complaints lately. Mostly it's been 404 file not found due to high serverload on the servers. This is fixed as soon as our 12 servers gets online and takes over some of the jobs from the overloaded servers.
Yeah remote is working better now than in the previous 8 hours.

But FTP (+zoom uploader) upload still doesnt work for me and A LOT of other people that I know of.

Maybe FS techs should try to upload from their home connections to test the error. ;)
@ Gerner2010: The upload on the FTP works perfectly fine - as in the file finishes. It has to be the ISP/connection you're doing it from. I'd suggest to try similar method in a public place with wifi or possible go to a library and try it there.

I personally use it when I need to upload my own files, so no problem there.

@ Mr. BorisManUtd: I'd suggest you list the files in folders. Opening any page with 1000 files of different sizes and names will take the time it needs to fetch it from the database. So if you had 100 folders with 10 files in them, it'd be 100x faster to load than 1 folder with 1000 files.
@ Gerner2010: The upload on the FTP works perfectly fine - as in the file finishes. It has to be the ISP/connection you're doing it from. I'd suggest to try similar method in a public place with wifi or possible go to a library and try it there.

I personally use it when I need to upload my own files, so no problem there.

@ Mr. BorisManUtd: I'd suggest you list the files in folders. Opening any page with 1000 files of different sizes and names will take the time it needs to fetch it from the database. So if you had 100 folders with 10 files in them, it'd be 100x faster to load than 1 folder with 1000 files.
I have only 40 files ;) And opening the home page of Fileserve is slow too. Does anyone like me has this kind of problem ?
Found out that the syncing (again) with you guy's user-earnings slows us down. We're getting a server to sort this job out specifically so you guys don't send too many "stats delay earning" emails.


Dear FileServe users,

Stats will remain delayed from time to time over the next couple of days. We have ordered new database servers that will be used for collecting the increasingly huge amount of data that we store, and for which we use to calculate your earnings with.

We have been adviced by our tech team that the alternative to not delaying the statistics is that the site will be slow loading from time to time. We do not want this to happen.

Please give us a few more days after the weekend to put up new database servers and fix these problems. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.

NOTE: There is no loss of data or earnings eventhough we do not provide you with instant realtime updates on your earnings.

Best regards,
yep, website is slow from time to time.
RU from Rapidshare is working.

RU from HF is still not working.
I got a premium account, the links are working, ... But it's not working.
Found out that the syncing (again) with you guy's user-earnings slows us down. We're getting a server to sort this job out specifically so you guys don't send too many "stats delay earning" emails.


Dear FileServe users,

Stats will remain delayed from time to time over the next couple of days. We have ordered new database servers that will be used for collecting the increasingly huge amount of data that we store, and for which we use to calculate your earnings with.

We have been adviced by our tech team that the alternative to not delaying the statistics is that the site will be slow loading from time to time. We do not want this to happen.

Please give us a few more days after the weekend to put up new database servers and fix these problems. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.

NOTE: There is no loss of data or earnings eventhough we do not provide you with instant realtime updates on your earnings.

Best regards,

Ricky, During this time the downloads and $ will still count correct?
Short answer: Yes

Long answer: I can't emphasize enough how much it doesn't mean sh*t that it is shown in real time for users (except for the "confidence boost"). As long as it is recorded on the back-end which it is, it will calculate from the group ABCD and then give you your earnings (shown on your page).

People have these small "observations" that don't mean anything, because sync is updating to them every 30 min. and they keep pressing F5. Doesn't mean anything at all. What you see on your front-end is because the stats were calculated already, but when we keep updating it, it'll slow down the DB. Slowing down the DB means that the page slows down too, since the page fetches from the DB. See how the chain gets broken? We're fixing that chain, since it is tiring and effortless to keep answering same question ("my earnings dropped, because you didn't update on the front end!!!" = wrong. Your earnings dropped because people either didn't download your stuff or they failed to get it - big difference), so therefore we will find that solution of getting a server just to perform this task and hopefully never get such email again.

Excuse my rant :)
^ You are genius in explaing this shit ;) Seriously a Good reply.

("my earnings dropped, because you didn't update on the front end!!!" = wrong. Your earnings dropped because people either didn't download your stuff or they failed to get it - big difference)

When would FS regain the speed. It is uploading slow(Web Upload). I recommend adding some limit to Web Upload like 10 GB or something or ppl will always bombard the server with web upload & hence hampering the speed overall.
yeah, also a limit for remote uploads like the one of RS... X links on upload and others queued and not more than a Y number of links.
@ humour: Thanks.

Well. I don't know how else to put the explanation. I've tried to phrase it as politely as possible several times, but it just doesn't sink in. We know that people aren't losing money, since we can see that our total payout increases by the day, so obviously it isn't "hitting everyone" (as some would claim).

Are you using any type of program to do your Web Upload? Like Rapidleech?

We don't actually like limits. Personally. We try to best avoid this as it'll send people screaming away. We have a few more tricks up the sleeve to fix for smoothness. Shame things can't be coded / solved in one day, so our list of things to-do keeps piling up as requests keep coming in.
By Web Upload I meant to say Remote Upload. Their should be some limit on Remote Upload or else it can hamper speed a lot coz I have seen many people putting hundred links at a time in remote upload.
You should place limits on the remote uploading for free users and if they upgrade the limit can be removed.

Or just put a limit up for everyone so it will not be abused.
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