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The guy has no clue what he's talking about and how we catch out people who are abusing our system. I won't reveal how it is done either, so keep guessing and wake up for a surprise, when you know you have fcuked up.

People download when they're on vacation and they download just fine and return to a healthy account.

It's easy to give a "hacked" story. It's harder for them to explain how they were hacked. The easiest would be to give a sob-story (i.e. read wiskerluv) and act innocent through-and-through in the hopes of us returning the account to them for a "2nd chance". That is simply not going to fly - I've been using FS myself for test on downloads (speed, link checking etc.) for 9 months...Not once have my accounts been "hacked"/"phished". Why? I don't put my details into other websites other than

We help out people with hacked accounts on a daily basis. In fact we have 20+ cases every day; that's 600+ different people a month that we help out. These people who voice their opinion here is the minority. It's like comparing Right-Wing Nazi supporters in Malawi with the rest of the population. You hear about them, but you hardly see them. If you see them they come as a wolf-pact.

PS. OP got his account back.

I think its fair enough to show no mercy to those who are intentionally breaking Fileserve's TOS.

As long as innocent users are not suffering, I don't see a problem with what Fileserve's doing. Its hard to know which customer is telling the truth and who's lying as an outsider. I guess you would be in a better position to judge than the rest of us, Ricky since you have evidence in hand.
How can I put my details into other websites when I have 1 unique username and password for Fileserve ? It is not even close to what I use on other sites. That's all I have to say, and stop using me for an example. It's just because I keep arguing the point that I never deserved the account to be disabled. I never intentionally did anything to warrant this, but now I see Ricky has a hard-on for me since he keeps going on and on about me. Give it a rest already.
If you haven't put your details into any other websites, how did you get phished then? Surely you weren't hacked.

I think it's quite the opposite of a hard-on. You're the prime example of what I've read and been told by others. Give Ricky a sob-story and he may just listen and give your account back. Sorry, doesn't work like that.

We never intentionally wanted to pin-point you as someone who broke the TOS. You did anyway, so you were caught out. Period.
If you haven't put your details into any other websites, how did you get phished then? Surely you weren't hacked.

I think it's quite the opposite of a hard-on. You're the prime example of what I've read and been told by others. Give Ricky a sob-story and he may just listen and give your account back. Sorry, doesn't work like that.

We never intentionally wanted to pin-point you as someone who broke the TOS. You did anyway, so you were caught out. Period.

What about what i asked ?

2 or 3 posts back?
I won't reveal what we look for and how we look for it.

The question you should ask yourself is: Would your actions turn on a red-flag with us? And if you've gone "undetected" for a while there probably isn't an issue there then.

This topic isn't a show-and-tell on what we look for, why we ban etc. for people to try to avoid our detection.
I won't reveal what we look for and how we look for it.

The question you should ask yourself is: Would your actions turn on a red-flag with us? And if you've gone "undetected" for a while there probably isn't an issue there then.

This topic isn't a show-and-tell on what we look for, why we ban etc. for people to try to avoid our detection.

Well in a way not really cause if the ips were matched they would all point to a dc,i just wanted to know whats fileserves policy in the rl cases where the downloading ip and uploading ip woudl be in differnt countries.I wasnt asking about your abuse system more about rl and the differnt ips?
if my account was disabled and the reason is because somebody hacked it, i would be more worried about securing my own computer and email address rather than about a fileserve account which costs a few bucks per mth.

it's your responsibility to make your computer safe.
Do you ask your city council to make sure nobody enters your house?
No ... it's your onus to do that by adding secure locks and house alarm.

Get your priorities right
Hey Axey,

They don't care if you use multiple logins for uploading purpose. Hell, you can even upload from 100 IP addresses. They won't care.

Downloading from several places is what that's going to get you ban.

Thanks for the reply. I have a question for you though. How do I get things onto this RDP if I cannot download to it? If I still have to download to my PC and then upload to my RDP before uploading to Fileserve I might as well not have the RDP. I only want one because my upload isn't very fast.

Thanks again.
Thanks for the reply. I have a question for you though. How do I get things onto this RDP if I cannot download to it? If I still have to download to my PC and then upload to my RDP before uploading to Fileserve I might as well not have the RDP. I only want one because my upload isn't very fast.

Thanks again.

I don't really get what you mean but i do have a rough idea what you're trying to ask..

You can use torrents but make sure it's private since you're using RDP (they don't normally tolerate public torrents) or you can download from DLL sites or blogs such as Rlslog and other popular sites.

Warez-bb etc.

Hope that helps.
I don't use torrents really. Sometimes though I'll download with my FS from one place, then upload to my FS or other to host elsewhere. The issue though is they'll see my IP from my actual machine and my IP from the RDP. I would only be using the account myself obviously but seeing as how people are getting banned a lot I am looking for a solution on how to be ok before getting an RDP.

And thanks again for the replies.
The rule is to not download from multiple IPs at the same time. DONT download from the RDP and your home connection at the same time. When downloading from your RDP, make sure you are not using or even logged into fileserve at home. This way only 1 IP will be counted and you;ll be safe.
If that's the case then cool. I could definitely make sure they don't overlap. I was just worried because the IPs would likely be across the world from each other. Thanks!
You might want to recall that people who bought the premium acounts agree to the TOS. You agree with those stated terms, thus you know what will happen if situations occurs. Basically this is a contract to the filehosting. If you don't agree then do not buy.
If that's the case then cool. I could definitely make sure they don't overlap. I was just worried because the IPs would likely be across the world from each other. Thanks!

I remember Ricky said in the official thread that as long as you use the account yourself and don't share it with others, you're definitely save. Just don't download from different IPs simultaneously.
Thanks for all of the replies. I'll make sure there is no simultaneous access between my machines. Just paid for an RDP! We'll see how it goes. :D

Thanks again!
my username is "umangpandit" and i am using dial up / 3G serveice for downloading from Fileserve.

and my account is only 2 days old. its now disabled.

any option to enable it??
Please HELP ME!!

Hello Ricky,

Username: tyronett

My account is Disabled.. i didn't done nothing wrong.. i just using account for download purpose.. Im working in a office.. so sometime i will use it from office and of-course from home too.. I don't know whether my account has been hacked.. but i m sure im not sharing acc details to anyone...

Any problem for my usage?

Please Enable my account..

Thank u
Great. So after I answer their PMs they still voice their questions.

@ dhruvpandit: Downloading from multiple IPs simultaneously (and we're talking across the globe. Not just your city)

satFS: Downloading from multiple IPs simultaneously (and we're talking across the globe. Not just your city)

Don't care if you just bought a Premium today or 5 months ago. IF you're in breach of our Terms, you get disabled. Sharing your account, whether it is intentional or not, is not allowed. It is your responsibility to keep your details secured
Get over it u Will acheive nothing by posting here.

Move over to Filesonic or Buy New accounts

Once Disabled cannot be Re-Enabled coz u breached TOS

P.S - MY Account also got disabled long time back

I bought FileSonic using it in RDP and PC

Works Perfect
my count is disabled

user: uyarra
a week ago my account premium of fileserve me has disappeared.
lest why
I hired a 6 months premium account on March 14
I feel helpless...I can do?:((
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