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Would have been nice too if you could give me an username first as well.

Our support staff does not answer to disabled users. If you have been playing by our rules and had clean sheets, you wouldn't have been disabled. There's literally thousands of users using our service to download with, only. Don't see them flooding our emails about "disabled" users.

And your charge for the last month is a monthly subscription that you've agreed upon. There are 3 indicators of a subscription account:
1. Read the text before you press "Agree & Pay"
2. Check your email that mentions you have a subscription
3. Check our payment page that clearly give you a little star with a "Paypal subscription" to it.

And you can email us even from an anonymous account...I don't know how you came to that conclusion.
My user name on Fileserve was "Iskerluv". What do you mean by clean sheets? What the hell could I have done wrong to be disabled for God sakes.
Yes I know all about the "Agree" button and I agreed to automatic payments. But what I did not agree on was to be disabled and still the automatic payments continue? I think not, that's unfair.

Like I said, I don't share my acct. with anyone and I don't even know who Rapidleech is so I know it isn't that.

Glad you let certain people know why they were disabled and ignored others. I did use anonymous emails to send to you, but still no response. Can this disabling thing be some kind of bug in your system? That would be a good explanation.

Hoping to hear from you.....Username: Iskerluv
Your account Info probably got hacked happens..a lot..
And that's for all FileHosts, not just fileserve..
You probably put your info in a page that you shouldn't have..
And therefore, it is wise to scan your pc frequently, but also to change your pass frequently and not to use the same pass for all the services you use...
I am sure that Ricky will short this through for you.
For all I know, all this time I use their service, it's that they are reliable, and NO he didn't mean that you didn't have the right to cancel your re-current subscription.
"Clean sheets" refer to your end of the burgain, meaning that you didn't abuse their service, eg. by excessive downloading, etc
If you "played" fair and square, then you'll get your account back..
Yeh but there's no explanation for why wiskerluv has downloads from pakistan, india etc.

If this person only had been downloading a little bit and had never used a 3rd party page before I wonder how that person's info got "shared".

Sob-stories of "I don't know how" doesn't fly with us any longer.
Yeh but there's no explanation for why wiskerluv has downloads from pakistan, india etc.

If this person only had been downloading a little bit and had never used a 3rd party page before I wonder how that person's info got "shared".

Sob-stories of "I don't know how" doesn't fly with us any longer.

How do I know where these downloads originate? I just see a movie or app I like and I d/l it. What is a 3rd party page? Sorry not up on that. I just basically go to popular warez sites and hope they are honest there. I belong to a lot of warez sites so I don't have a clue about India or Pakistan. I told you I am 70 yrs. old and maybe don't have the knowledge some of you younger people do.
@ viruz99: Read our terms.

@ wiskerluv: Explanation won't fly with us. Account sharing is a violation of our terms. Whether you are 18 or 70 years doesn't matter. Hypothetically I can make up a sob-story too about my dead cat and that I'm in a wheelchair passing the age of 59 and I need Fileserve so much ..........Just won't fly with us.

Can't help you anymore. It is your job to keep your account secured.
@ wiskerluv

Dude just remember don't use the same passwords over and over again. Try to make different passwords to filehosts and forums that you subscribe to, cause if one hacker got your account on a site, he'll definitely try and see if you are using the same passwords on another site. If you are what you say you are well, that would be unfortunate but that would be a good lesson to learn if and when you apply to other file hosts :)
Ricky S:

I don't give a damn whether you believe me or not- I have never shared anything with anyone and that is the God's truth. Why should I pay for a filehosting site and let someone use it for free? No way, can't afford it.

Maybe the worst thing I did was not change my password often, but who knew? Not used to getting hacked if that was the case.

Don't worry about it...there are other File hosts out there. The only thing is, if you disable accounts, you certainly should not keep charging people. Like someone said, that is downright stealing!!
@ wiskerluv: I don't give a damn whether you're using God's honest words and truth. Fact remains that you have been around the globe with your username and password, downloading files from us.

Maybe you should try to safeguard your password a bit better. I have a bunch of Premium accounts on Fileserve - I wonder how they have never been "hacked"/phished before. Don't stick your details in places that isn't operated by us.

I'm not worrying much about your cry-out. You fucked up and that's what it states in black and white.

Again - Read our terms.
All you need to remember is to cancel recurring subscription in your paypal account after buying an account from any of these file hosts to save future headaches.
Hi Rickyfs,

I had my account disabled 2 days after I renewed it 6 mths. I was using for 1 month and like it so on the day of expiry I renewed it for another 6 months not knowing they auto renewed the 1 mth for me on the same day!!

Then 2 days later , my user was disabled. Its been a week since then
ihave been writing thru email but no reply whether regarding the double
charging or the user disabled issue.

Hope you can resolve the 2 issues for me . tku

fileserve user id :charlote2
@ wiskerluv: I don't give a damn whether you're using God's honest words and truth. Fact remains that you have been around the globe with your username and password, downloading files from us.

Maybe you should try to safeguard your password a bit better. I have a bunch of Premium accounts on Fileserve - I wonder how they have never been "hacked"/phished before. Don't stick your details in places that isn't operated by us.

I'm not worrying much about your cry-out. You fucked up and that's what it states in black and white.

Again - Read our terms.

Wow Ricky you sure can get nasty. I only used my password on your site and it is different from anywhere else. Yours is the only file hosting site that I joined because I can't afford more than one a month.

I mentioned before that I go to different warez sites only to find movies or graphic apps. I have no idea how all this came about. I only know how to download and don't know how anyone got my password unless it was a fake Fileserve site. Anything's possible on the net. BTW, I can't d/l thousands of files because my download speed isn't that great.

Do you always talk to the elderly with that language? Gee I hope not.
from this page i will stop using fileserve. they are just another hotfile supported. i used to have similar issues with rapidshare when they where at there peak! and seriously i was abusing and still they said perhaps someone have your account.

i mean rapidshare and megaupload are both good companies the rest are indian kid based wana be someone (some shit)
Here's my conversation with RickyFS if anyone is interested.


My username on Fileshare is thezug. Please re-enable my account. From reading the forum it seems like all I have to do is keep changing my password periodically to keep it secure. I haven't been willingly sharing it so I must have been hacked or something.


Yeh, probably not. That explanation doesn't fly with us.

I'm confused. How do I get my account re-enabled? The forums I've read seem to say some accounts were disabled because users were sharing their passwords. Is that what you suspect was happening with mine?

You did share your account. And you will not be re-enabled again.


My conclusion is that this Ricky is kind of a jerk. Or maybe just a child, I don't know. I have no reason to share my password with anyone. I suppose I could have picked a stronger one. Ah well, best of luck to you little Ricky.
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