uploaded.to: New affiliate conditions -> 5 EUR per Lead & 10 EUR per TDP

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Hey there tell me how to use my ul.to premium account on internet download manager and how to make remote upload from filesonic and fileserve to uploaded.to.....

If you're logged in and the cookie is saved to your computer, it should work, but i have to test in on my own before i can clearly say that it works.

Filesonic and Fileserve have blocked our IPs several months ago, so no remote upload from these hosters is possible.

I'll take you here .. a doubt, the file that "doubles" (Files) to folder (Folders)
2x is added on Backup-space?

If you duplicate your files no extra space from your backup space is taken.

hoşgeldin sinem :D

ne sınemı arkdaslar nerde yazıyor benmı kacrdım :d

Hoşbulduk arkadaşlar :)
Merhaba sinem :)

enazında diger filehost şirketlerinden farklı olarak türkçe olarakda destek veren bir kişi bulunması güzel :)
Hoş geldiniz.. umarım bu indirme hızı sabitlenir..
Borsa ve dolar gibi hız çıkıp iniyor durmadan ..
yinede türkçe destek için teşekkür ederim..
kalıcı olmanız dileği ile..

hız problemlerinden haberdarız, kullanıcı sayımız gün geçtikçe çoğaldığından dolayı bu aralar bazı ufak tefek problemler ile karşılaşıyoruz. Sistemimize geçen gün ekstradan 50 tane sunucu eklenildi ve şu anda problemler giderilmiş gibi görünüyor.


Our FTP is definately NOT down.

Like I said before, please try FlashFXP at Port 21 and in passive mode, it works flawlessly for me.


Thanks for that hint :)

To all Turkish uploaded.to users: If you need support in Turkish, feel free to PM me over here or please send us an e-mail to support@ul.to !
filesonic'in her tarafı türkçe destek olsa ne olur. Adam yerine koysalar gruba koyarlar TR'yi. Ayrıca o tansel'in neye faydası var çok merak ediyorum :) Adamın direkt üye panellere erişim yetkisi bile yok. Biri birşey yazıyor gidip onu ingilizce çevirip aktarıyor. Onu bizde yaparız :)

Uploaded'a baksınlar da örnek alsınlar.

Sinem, thank you for support.
Merhaba, ni hao.

I've been working with ul.to for a long time.
And for the first time i can say that the ftp upload is slow today, uploading from NL.

Please check the servers. is not me, to other servers is going fast as usual.

Regards, and welcome to wj.
To all who experience slow upload speeds on the ftp upload:

Please start the command line (on Windows: Start -> Run -> Type in 'cmd' and hit Enter) and type in following lines (without the quotation marks ' ):

-> 'nslookup' and hit Enter

-> 'ftp.ul.to' and hit Enter

It should show you now several IPs of our FTP Servers, please try to connect to some of them to find out the one with the best upload speeds for your connection.

Thanx for your answer zomG2, i've tested with 6 different servers, and i'm still having the same problem...

Very slow today. max aprox 200 KB/s
On a 1 Gbps, i'm used to see transfers much more faster to your servers.
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