2022 - HLS Streaming CDN & Unlimited Storage | Multi Upload - TORRENT | API | FTP | URL | Custom Domain | Custom ADS | 360/720/1080p

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i know what was it. but I don't expect a retard one who can't answer to answer this question.
Hey bro before you want to blame someone check your side is correct. I just answered for your question to prevent reupload of files if streamsb are gone. But you replied rude and I just pointed your wrong think. So what is your IQ too.
400 new uploaded files are auto-deleted by streamwish. I can not trust streamwish anymore.
yes the same thing happened to me, they deleted almost 2k videos I have remote upload from streamsb. Im done with them, just changed to for and a premium doodstream account.
Improve the stability of the videos in streamwish in 1080p they stop a lot every 3 or 4 seconds they stop and continue and continue stopping or better enable multiple qualities. So that it does not stop too much if they do not improve the stability of the video please..
Maxim's dead, and fuck it.
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