GaiaFile.Com - $35/1000 downloads (all countries paid) + 10% sales OR 60% on sales

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Check My PM,
PM back :)
Please I want to cancel request payment , i will request on next monday ? Thanks

Username SofienParisien
You can request the second payment next Monday, since your payment is still not processed. And you will get both payment next Monday.
remote from fileserve does not work anymore

Has fileserve banned gaia's IP ?
Still cannot remote upload? If it will not work, I would have to contact FileServe.
is free user download 500mb+ ? coz i couldnt find any info abr free user..
Free user can download up to 450MB. Our Premium Page need some changes, and they will be done within this week.
no still get HTML files.. from fileserve (remote to oron works by the way)

Maybe they change something on their end, anyway, I have notified my programmers regarding the issue, and they will take care for this problem.

make free user download at least 1gb it will be help to grow ur host....


We are waiting for the option of leaving the user ability to choose for maximum file-size download.

After the function of "make file for premium only" become available, next one will be the freedom to choose file-size limit :)

Be updated guys, new things will come on :)

Also, May will have a lot of surprises, especially for our affiliates who are working on PPS plan
Status: Connecting to
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Waiting to retry...
Status: Delaying connection for 1 second due to previously failed connection attempt...
Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connecting to
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Could not connect to server

ok i dont see the info i wait 15 min sorry
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Status: Connecting to
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Waiting to retry...
Status: Delaying connection for 1 second due to previously failed connection attempt...
Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connecting to
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Could not connect to server

ok i dont see the info i wait 15 min sorry

FTP is not working,, even i still waiting for it to get fixed..
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