GaiaFile.Com - $35/1000 downloads (all countries paid) + 10% sales OR 60% on sales

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If i download five different files in one day, how many downloads user will get?
Money will be added on each file.
have you ftp access for upload?
the server is only america? or europe?
Yes, we have FTP , but for the moment is down. Location of our servers is Europe.

my user name yigalo

i will work in this filehost

plz add my bouns =)
Bonus is added, welcome to our host.
I registered 2 days ago and evertyhing is nice.. I want premium too if you dont mind :)

my id is the same
Premium added for 15 days (just to give it a try). Welcome to GaiaFile.

Status: Connecting to
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Waiting to retry...
Status: Delaying connection for 1 second due to previously failed connection attempt...
Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connecting to
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Could not connect to server

ok i dont see the info i wait 15 min sorry
There is an issue with FTP.
hi Gaiafile
I think you should add the mode of payment via WebMoney.
Webmoney is now being used more Uploader
Yes, WMZ is on our future plans.
fileserve to gaiafile remote uplaod doesn't work


sir i think you are mistaken.. this is GaiaFile's discussion, not FileSonic sir.. :)

i mean gaiafile

Added after 1 3 minutes:

can anyone tell me why fileseve to gaiafile doesn't work .
I e-mailed you about this issue...
Hi Gaiafile..

Any news about torrent leech... :D
Not yet, we need some more time.
when you think to solve ftp problem?
Hopefully very soon, It should have been up before 3 days :S

Added after 1 22 minutes:

Our affiliate plans (PPD + PPS, PPS, VIP) will be not available till Monday-Tuesday (2-3 May). We are integrating an ad system, and we are also going to improve and change many things on our plans. We are working on the weekend, and hopefully things will be finished till Monday. I'm very sorry, but it was somethings that must have been done sooner or later.

There will be a compensation, and people, May is coming :) Be ready for a lot of Promos :)

We appreciate your support, and we will be back on Tuesday :)

Note: Payments will be processed as on schedule, on Monday (evening)

For any urgent question or request, contact me at

Thanks for your understandings

Last edited:
We're sorry, there are no servers available for upload at the moment.
Refresh this page in some minutes.
We are making changes and updating our system.
We will be back online soon.
Thanks for your understanding.

...ok friend...
We're sorry, there are no servers available for upload at the moment.
Refresh this page in some minutes.
We are making changes and updating our system.
We will be back online soon.
Thanks for your understanding.

...ok friend...

will it take too long?

I really do no know.. let us wait admin

Unfortunately, it will last till the end of the week. By Sunday it should be ready.

I could have let the site functioning normal (download and upload), and remove only the earnings from programs, but I don't want that anyone will think that I'm cheating and scamming you.

I hope you understand

koy amına yaaaa :))) yeni sitelerde bu olur kardeş sabretmeyi ögrencen (its normal for new hosts, we have to learn to be patient)
hi, If I use sBorg script upload file,
file name will become:
Rather then:
how to solved?
when will you sites changes be completed

this message occurs when i click to upload

We are making changes and updating our system.
We will be back online soon.
Thanks for your understanding.
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