GaiaFile.Com - $35/1000 downloads (all countries paid) + 10% sales OR 60% on sales

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hello gaia file support please answer me is this happen in future

no i am taking about if the user can get premium account and wants to upload 5gb file how can it upload
and also increase the file limit in remote upload which in 5 at the moment
For the moments, free users will have 5 slots available. I'm very sorry, but I cannot increase that to 10, becomes that's as a premium users feature.
i have sent a payment request , can you paid me on this day or i will wait for the next monday ?
You requested payment today, but anyway , there may be many reason why you couldn't submit payment on time. I will handle your payment tomorrow, so you will get paid tomorrow, not on next Monday (like it should).
thanks you are great u reply quickly and very helpful

yes very professionnal admin , thanks

I'm a little bit busy, trying to make changes in the website. I may not reply 5 seconds after you post/ask something, because I'm not all the time on wJunction.
thanks admin

Added after 1 13 minutes:

please allow free user to download upto 1 gb that will help you to increasing your site rank
Last edited:
Doctor007, please PM me your moneybookers e-mail.

@comebacktome What is your username? If you have received your payment, the bonus was added there!

Payment Received
thanx Gaia


I Missed the weekend bonus
F#ck Me :))

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