FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ techdaemon: I know you've requested the moving folders many times. Remind me again after we've released mass-rename.

@ DBM: I think the management is quite happy with the "size" of the File Manager. I wouldn't find it aesthetically pleasing either to have it "widened".

@ iTwins:

1. Yes. From search, we know :)

2. So when deleting files from "Search", make it "stay" there and not go back to root?

@ lig}{tning: Send me your Username and I'll take a look at it.

@ avRo: When did you email support? They don't check emails during weekend.

@ all: Tab will be fixed :)
Hiya Ricky, I just noticed there are changes in the transfer-payout procedure, not sure if this is new or not:

It took around a day now to transfer from earnings account to payout account and then hit the payout button.

Is this correct? Or is it normally like this before/after maintenance?
@ avRo: Yes and 14th is a Friday. We're in +8 Hours to GMT timezone.

@ cilembu: No changes to it. Someone from acct. may just be checking accounts on a weekend :)

@ iTwins: Yes, hopefully the change of deleting not going back to root will "affect" it too in "Search".
Ok, you post a link to a folder, what if that folder has sub folders, will someone ever be able to see the sub folders, or can they only see the files.

And if someone reports files for various reasons in that folder, will the folder get deleted, or just the files?
Hi Ricky,

back after long time. One of my referrel complain me that he was trying to transfer his earning from earning account to payout account. when he tried to request for payout, it has been showed that the earning had been redeemed which he had not request for. He is asking for payout , not redeem.

please check if the account has been hacked and use by the hacker. I suggest him to change the pass immediately.

ID: emrosezahid
@ phar_masud: He's still a free. I'm guessing someone redeemed voucher codes and upgraded their own accounts. I've emailed techs to put a stop to these accounts and disable them as a consequence.

If I can "reverse" the money back into his account, I will not be able to give you a straight answer on.

And yes..You should probably tell him he needs to change his password to something more complicated than an easy punch on the keyboard (his password is... a classic)
A _working_ tab is better.

I already HATE it every time I get a stupid email whenever I delete a folder.

I do not need more FS junk mails :)

And what if a person gets 150 single files deleted over a few hours?
Do you want 150 emails then?
Do you want 1 email pr. 24 hours?

No, No, no.....

Listen... :)
The tab is better!
Hi Ricky i would like to ask you something. Do you set an uploading speed cap during peak hours? During the past days i´ve seen that during off-peak hours i upload @ 600-700Mbps but during the day i can´t reach 200Mbps opening a lot of threads

Anyway i´m not complaining about the speeds, i´m very happy with them and the stability of FileServe.
hmm...thanks bro.....please see if u can do anything. It is his first payment. He works hard but bad luck is with him.

I am telling him again to change the pass.

thanks for the reply
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