FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ Last Word: Where are you remote uploading from?

@ factor: No. Usually it takes anytime between 1-5 min. depending on how busy the servers are. During off-peak hours you should see files in your file manager within 50 seconds :)

@ Drinkordie: Spread the word ;)
I do that Ricky, all my uploads are on fileserve mate :)

BTW: IN Poland FS is now most popular file hosting... NO.1 in my country :)

In such a short time to develop this kind of brand ... Wow mate, you really are the best ! Keep up the good work!
@ Yad: Some mirror-maker sites that makes you type in your username & password are not safe. They store your stuff and a few weeks down the road they access to **** all your files up and account.

Ricky i know how it works lol,i have actually done phishing for a week till i got bored of it and left it,as i said back that time it was popular but now it's dead.
New method that people are using is the password stealing softwares,steals every password saved in your browser etc.
So as i said if i for example i have my fileserve and hotmail login + password remembered in firefox that will go to the guy that spread the software,and when his lazy ass finally opens my log he will be able to change everything in FS since he has access to hotmail also.
Same can be done with Security lock,like Rapidshare's one for example.

And yes i talk from experience xD
What would be the best way to RU from HF or other websites that banned FS IP.


I absolutely don't know how it works.
Could someone tell me how it works, how much it costs, ...

@ saninokia: Please see my answer again. Keyword: BROWSER(S)

@ Yad: The people who got phished usually said they entered their details into other sites. I assumed these fcuked them up.

@ ibou12: I'll leave that up to the experts using VPS & RL
@ saninokia: Please see my answer again. Keyword: BROWSER(S)

@ Yad: The people who got phished usually said they entered their details into other sites. I assumed these fcuked them up.

@ ibou12: I'll leave that up to the experts using VPS & RL

To get phished you need to be dumb lol. I guess it's most likely that they got stolen.
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