FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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i want to know that when FS free spaces is used which is 500 gb

and we bought a premium account and then the premium expire the space will remain in our account or its also gone with premium status ?

means the unlimited space we got from premium account is remain in our account after premium expire or its also gone with premium status?
Hotfile is blocking accounts for remote upload from hotfile to fileserve :'(

Your account has been blocked by Hotfile for remote uploading at FileServe
how can i remove site sell site from my account....
i add 3sites in fileserve...
now i want to remove one site from fs....
how???? :-(
Ricky, is it possible to remote megaupload links that contain password? You know that kind that will require you to enter a set password in megaupload page before you are given the download link?
Something is wrong with the reff stats, I refereed a friend, his earnings are 9.7$ and it shows 5.5$ on my acct, look into it please.
Yes. Just don't refer yourself.

It'd be easier to upgrade your own account to a Premium though.

@ ILHFFS: We are still finetuning the My Sites. Some people may have seen a spike or drop in their sales. Don't know what it is exactly, but it is a bug.
Yea thats true i have lost a few sales over this?
I am on a free user account but for some odd reason NEVER been able to get a decent $.Is it because I am a free user ? Do I need a premium? My username is: LORDMUS
I am on a free user account but for some odd reason NEVER been able to get a decent $.Is it because I am a free user ? Do I need a premium? My username is: LORDMUS

Well u needs downloads only mate, try to upload for forums that submit links to DDL sites[near more info PM me] as its a dedicated topic for FS ..... i wont SPAM here lolz

I am a free user at FileServe and till today my earnings at less but i have a little bit...and my tomorrow i will request for my First Payout...

I have earned $35+....:D [its will help to pay my server bills] =)
anyone know from where i can get fileserve icon like this

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