FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Ricky need help urgently
I am remote uploading from Fileserve to fileserve

But the files uploaded are in kbs

please sort this problem asap...

Ricky, I created my second account.

Problems I am facing:
1. No verification e-mail button present in the FileServe My Account. (Currently not verified), however received FTP account details via E-mail.
2. No area to input my PP ID in the Edit My Account page.
sometime i am getting problem with uploading like after few percent upload stop,sometime full uploaded and then says upload unsuccessful,and when i am using the uploader software which u provided at first page,its hang,not all time but sometime,can u solve upload issues? becoz i am not able to post my threads at exact time coz of upload problem.
same file upload it to hotfile and i just download it on my pc in few minutes and i put it on fileserve first and still says processing and its been almost 30minutes
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