Best country to live in?

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Which is the best country to live in?

I say Germany because of it's economy and other factors that makes it a great country to live in.

Someone's mad at the USA.

What's your PayPal I'll send you $10 USD to stop your whining and complaining already. Go buy yourself some beer or something and calm down.

Can't do that...

  • We give the most aid to the world, while communist countries such as China don't give more than a few pennies.
  • US is responsible for the allied victory in WW1.
  • US is responsible for the allied victory in WW2.
  • US/Allies STOP the communists at the 38th Parallel during the Korean War; which is still in effect today.

The list goes on and on. We rebuilt Europe, we rebuilt Japan post war. There will always be people who piss and moan about things, but it's the way life is for me and for you. That's the bottom line. Were not here to hurt you, but to help you.

When natural disasters occur we are the first ones there, we give the most, we send in our troops to save people and help rebuild.

When wars start between neighboring countries, we determine who is the aggressor. When an invasion occurs we chase the predators away and save the ones who were being attacked.

If a country has an uprising and the people want to rebel against a government leader who is the richest man on the planet Ghadafi with some 200+ billion in the bank, then we will side with the people instead of letting bloodshed prolong, we will come in and swiftly try to end it by picking a side.

In regards to Iraq and Afghanistan, we provide over 1billion per year in aid to each and are helping those countries rebuild. We are training their troops, officers and helped set them up with democratic governments. The taliban is no longer running the show, we are, and once we are gone, the people will truly have a chance. The only reason we went there was because we were attacked. We would have never occupied otherwise.

When Saddam invaded Kuwait in the 90's for OIL, we stepped in with Operation Desert Storm and chased his pathetic but MASSIVE army back to Iraq. We could have blown him to bits in the desert, but we didn't because it would have been a massacre, he was leaving Kuwait and that was all that we wanted. Did we take Kuwaits OIL? Nope...

So, do you want $10 USD to go have fun today or not?
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Dude that's not true.

People who don't have any medical insurance get operations done regardless. We don't let ANYONE die here in America.

You walk into a hospital and say your sick they don't EVER turn you away. Even if you have something as minimal as the flu.
Again you are mistaken in regards to the healthcare here. No matter what, if someone has a life threatening disease or condition they will be taken care of. Whether that person has NO family, NO insurance and not a single penny in the BANK makes no difference. They will still receive the operation required. That's why we all pay taxes, our tax money goes into Federal & State Programs that are specifically for this purpose.

---------- Post added at 05:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:03 PM ----------

As far as foreign AID is concerned, we have aided these countries for years now, regardless of any debt owed to us.
We don't bomb countries for GAS...
We bomb for Heroin. DUH!

lol, just kidding....

But no seriously. We don't bomb countries for no reason. People need to be taught a lesson, you can't just crash and burn a couple of our towers without consequences.

You can't be the leader of a country and invade another country for oil (which is exactly what Saddam did that started the Gulf War) and think were going to let you slaughter the entire country of Kuwait.

You can't be the leader of a country and have mass graves in the desert (which is exactly what Saddam did) just because people pissed you off.

You can't be an organized tunnel monkey running an entire country (which is what the Taliban did in Afghanistan) launching attacks against our comrades and allies - blowing up trains, buildings, towers, killing kids, Christians and so forth.

You can't have too much pressure on Israel because we protect that land. So just leave them alone already.

People & countries just need to stay where they are, stop invading, and leave people alone. Stop genocide, stop killing, and everything will be peaceful. Instead you have North Koreans who want to test Nuclear Bombs. You have Iran who wants to have a nuclear bomb and blow Israel off the face of the map. You have these extremist groups who attack our foreign diplomatic centers and kill our advocates.

Eventually evil will learn....

There are consequences for these kinds of things.... The consequence is death by the U.S. Military, Navy & Airforce.

So stop doing these things if you don't want to die. Okay. Thank you. Bye. Bye. :)

Your country's army have killed thousands of innocent people all around the world.
GAS,OIL etc....and the stupid nation always belive everything for their bloody president.
This is your countrie of freedome and democracy!

"Instead you have North Koreans who want to test Nuclear Bombs. You have Iran who wants to have a nuclear bomb and blow Israel off the face of the map."

and what the is the problem ,with that?
the usa can have nuclear bomb,why other countries cant?because the monopol is the most important for the USA.

no my friend,they dont want to destroy israel,they want to destroy your sweet USA.
The country of censorship and capitalists..
this only my personal opinion.
and of course australia or iceland would be a nice and good place for life.
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Again you are mistaken in regards to the healthcare here. No matter what, if someone has a life threatening disease or condition they will be taken care of. Whether that person has NO family, NO insurance and not a single penny in the BANK makes no difference. They will still receive the operation required. That's why we all pay taxes, our tax money goes into Federal & State Programs that are specifically for this purpose.

---------- Post added at 05:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:03 PM ----------

As far as foreign AID is concerned, we have aided these countries for years now, regardless of any debt owed to us.

I have to say there is far more country's better off than living in the US.
I live in a country that has a way better education system way better health care system.

We have better roads better internet and better infrusrutcher.
We have better wages,and living standards.

So now tell me why i would want to live in

BTW the last war america won can any body tell me that,picking on people that can't fight back?

And yes i have been to the US alot of times and was shocked at how stupid and dumb americans are and how bad things are over there,it's really shocking!!

Chile even has a better healthcare system.
Also yes you do get looked after in a US hospital anyones does,but the difference between free healthcare system and American payed healthcare is after they have fixed you in the US they send you a bill for $200,000!!

Healthcare Rankings.

Education rankings.

So to all you TEAM AMERICA fans,enjoy bombing 3rd world countries that cannot fight back,while ill have better living standards and real culture!!


PS : Europe would like to know when you are going to start making payment's back to us on the 1 trillion we lent you???
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You didn't specify what country that you live in, but I'll take a stab in the dark and say... "France". Let's just say that's where you live, since you didn't bother mentioning it.

You want to jump on the bandwagon of American bashing, good for you. It's easy to do when your sitting behind a computer and your life is fine. If you ever get invaded again by a foreign force you'll pray to GOD that we come to the rescue.

You like that infrastructure? Well you should, since we are the ones who built it for you, read up on the "Marshall Plan" and you are welcome for that.

Better wages and living standards? I sure would hope your wages are higher, since you pay $7.60 for a gallon of gas, you pay on average 900 €/month for a small studio, utility bills & groceries. This doesn't include transportation or entertainment whatsoever.

Let's talk about "Taxes" shall we? If you live in France like I think you do, or even somewhere in Europe, your one of the most heavily taxed in the world. After you pay for your rent and gasoline alone, it's time to pay taxes, now your wages are severely reduced to well below our average.


The Healthcare ranking you provided means nothing, it's all about quality, not quantity. You fail to realize that 18 of the worlds top 20 hospitals are in the United States. We rank #1 for Cancer Treatment, #1 for Cadio & Heart Surgeries and more. . As far as us being ranked low on the world scale, one of the big reasons is because in pregnancy & birth there are a lot of complications and deaths here in America which is very sad. We are one of the worst in that category.

Again, Education rankings, means absolutely nothing. Out of the top 4 smartest people in the world based on IQ, 2 of them are Americans. America is home to the smartest people in the entire world due to immigration.

A lot of the things that you use, such as your computer is either an American invention made Microsoft Product or an Apple Product. You are here on WJunction replying to my thread dissing America, yet this very site is powered by and fuels yet another American creation, the Jelsoft Corporation, ie; VBulletin. You browse GOOGLE on a daily, and if not, your probably using Yahoo! You and the majority of the world browses websites daily using either FireFox or Internet Explorer, again 2 American Made Creations. You see our Macromedia Flash by Adobe, everywhere, and again on WJunction. You live in an American world, the leader digitally, the leader internationally. Regardless of where you live, you are affected by US, the Americans. You watch our entertaining movies that come out of Hollywood, your college students are inspired to maybe one day get a job here in America and live the American dream, because this is where it's at.

It's easy to say what you wish about us, but the fact is you have truly know understanding just how much your lives and everyone's lives are affected and influenced by a country with only a population of 300 million people. When shit hits the fan, anywhere, the entire world, all heads, including yours looks to the West to see what we will say and do.

Our military presence is all over the entire globe, we are on virtually every single continent.


You watch our Presidential elections (More people internationally watched then we did here in our own country), because people around the world know the next president of the United States can and will affect their life in some way.

Precious metals, gold, silver, platinum, your disgrace of a Euro isn't the standardized currency for the world, it's the U.S.D.

We are the ones who rush to the aid of people when shit happens, natural disasters, etc, we are there immediately and ready to serve the world.

Why would I want to live in the United States? You can have $150 to your name and start up a CORPORATION the next day. Oh yes, it's true. You can be homeless the night before, and walk in and get a free meal, and then get free housing. If you don't have a job, you can get one within a week. If you want to go to college, go ahead, nobody is ever turned away. Need an operation done? Go ahead and get it, it's why we are the hardest working people in the entire world and pay taxes. We bitch about Gas prices, but pay one the 10th lowest in the world. And out of that entire top 10, were the wealthiest of them all. We pay some of the worlds lowest taxes for individuals making less than $200,000. Our homes are cheap, our products are cheap, our cars are cheap.

Our infrastructure might be old, but it's still working. I don't wake up and say, oh crap the sewer system that's 100 years old doesn't work anymore. Or say, dang I wish I could cross the bridge today but the bridge is broken. Or dang, my internet is so slow. It doesn't effect us yet. We will have to rebuild it very soon, then where do you think we will rank?

You call us dumb? So what does that make you? We essentially own this planet. Economically, Militarily, Digitally. The Europeans loaned us $1trillion to keep there own Economy afloat. Without us rolling along, the world stops rolling along.

Remember the "horrific" bubble that sent markets astray that started here in the United States? You do realize that we lost very little of our GDP as a result of that. People, such as you, have a hard time understanding just how large, powerful and smart we truly are. Here's an actual chart on the history of our GDP...


As you can see from that chart, there was a very tiny small dip there. That little tiny dip sent every single other countries market into a frenzy. When you turned on your news stations all you saw were reports of the USA Economy on the brinks, and then others followed suit. Then you would see numbers scroll across your screen about how many jobs were being lost in each sector here in the United States, and the fear and the panic that was struck by the people. And then the houses that were being foreclosed, and then you heard of markets crashing elsewhere. The craziest thing about all that is this. It didn't effect us like you would think. There wasn't people burning buildings down like Greece. There wasn't starving families under the bridge. Oh no, quite the contrary. This perception that you and a lot of other people have of what is going on here is absolutely incorrect. The American Government is much smarter than me, but if I was in charge of it. I would find a way to continue the growth of the economy. And what a better way to do so than to create a temporary pinch, that upsets markets, throws economies out of wack, and allows us to dig in a little deeper in other countries pockets. The most fascinating this is, that me being a business man I know it "takes money to make money". The most grandeur thing of all this is that we have a Government that couldn't justify spending the ridiculous amount of money that was required to invest in green energy, to boost up the auto industry that was failing, to give each american a couple thousand dollars to spend, to give more benefits. So when this "credit crisis" occurred that was quarterbacked by the exact people who sit in the White House, there was a way. A way to borrow money from the world, a way for us to print all the money that we wish, a way for us to borrow money from ourselves. And invest we did :). You see, when things happen, you must always think outside of the box, for what you see is not what you will get.

We have a true competitor now. That competitor by the name of China, we have grown stagnant over the years because competition was low, there really wasn't anyone around that could compete or come close to us. Now that there is, you will see and are seeing the machine start to wake again. Trust me when I say that if China over takes us on an economic scale, they will have done so working as hard and as long as us. For we work double the amount of time that they do. They would have been as equally skilled and deceitful as the United States Government is. Why start a war to boost an economy? When you can create a "credit crisis" that does the same thing and allows you to print all the money that you wish? It's a simple plan really when you think about. We all got paychecks, our wages increased, our jobs are flowing in, our economy is rising, our stock market is the biggest it's ever been. And here we are on WJunction complaining and whining about how the USA sucks. Well I guess if I lived elsewhere I would hate the USA too, because at the end of the day I would be upset at not being the best, because that's just how I operate. But anyways, an uneducated person would say we are...
stupid and dumb americans

Our United Nations which resides on our Soil is our Creation, don't you forget that. It's not in Europe, it's not in China, it's not in Russia. It's here, right in our backyard.


These are facts, facts that you need to face.

I am fucking thankful every single day that I wake up in America. Proud to have been born here. Grateful that my money still says "In GOD We Trust", because that we do. Proud of that flag that flaps in the wind on every single government building, corporate building, and every other house in a decent development. Proud of who we are, what we have done for the people in our own country and across the globe. Proud to have the benefits and life that I have.

I wouldn't trade this life for anything else. Wouldn't want to be born anywhere else. You people who are mad at us dropping bombs need to get over it. War is war, you pick a side and that's it. It's a fucking sad thing that people have to die, but the fact is that we don't go dropping bombs for no reason. All the people who continue to interfere with others lives will be dealt with. This is common fact. If you see an American Stealth Fighter Jet dropping bombs, your government and Army did something wrong. We don't take pathetic resources. Our wars are created because we are attacked, because we are defending those whom are attacked or because we are dealing with a potential threat.

Why shouldn't Iran and North Korea have Nuclear War Heads? Geee, you must not be too smart then son.



All you whiny kids and disrespectful people out there, be thankful. My friends have gone to war to save people, I would go to war to save people. Most importantly, and don't forget this. I would kill anyone if they threatened me or my fellow Americans, the neighbors up North - Canada, the Neighbors down south - Mexico. You come onto this continent, you will be destroyed.

So for all of you who hate the US. One final time. Welcome to the United States of America, because for the past 100 years you've been living in OUR world. Planet earth should have a gigantic USA Flag wrapped around it. Because were the world largest super power that has EVER walked the planet.

Read it and weep. I'm done with all of you brainwashed, disrespectful, lost people in the world. STAY down then, damn. You can't succeed if you were bread to be a pushover. There's a reason why were #1, it's our drive and determination. We work harder and longer than any country in the entire world. We are proud of who we are. We are thinkers and innovators and strive to be successful, not even. We have ingrained ourselves into every single home on this planet. There will always be those who hate us and those who love us. It's to be expected. People across the globe reading this. Stop pointing fingers and being upset. You can never succeed and will never overtake us by being bitter. Get your friends and your community motivated and working hard and get some Patriotism to you. We are a melting pot of one, we work together, there are the few who leach and suck and are lazy, but even those people are typically doing things under the table - working, doing side jobs, making money, striving, moving forward.

All of you need to take a deep breath, and Move Forward. America is not bad, we are good. The sooner you realize that, the better your lives will be. Less hatred, more love. Stop seeking out our wrong doings, and find out the reasons why we did what we did in the first place. Put yourself in our shoes, understand, think for a change, be inspired, gain knowledge.

You are the few who despise us. Just so you know. The few. Our blood has been shed on every single continent. We've lost millions of our lives fighting in various wars.


God Bless the United States of America!

P.S. A quick video to relieve some tension here. See were not all that bad. This is a video showing you what we are really about outside of our daily jobs here in the United States.

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@To0 i thought that you are smarter. After many comments about your country, i thought you will change your opinion about it. But everyone can be wrong.

I want to ask you, just one simple question: Who are the Americans?

whites - Europe
blacks - Africa
yellows - Asia

My country has a history! We are here more than 10 centuries. We ate with golden spoons and forks, while people still thought the world was flat plates.

You are rich now, because after WWII Europe was destroyed, so someone needed to loan the money. Also no one attacked your country, so in every war you didn't have some losses (buildings, roads...)

What about your debt? More than 16 trillions?
Yeah, probably you fight the harder in the second world war. wow wow.. nobody but you. If you were instead of France in the second world war. Not half would have been conquered, but all your country. And if have been Brejnev and not Gorbachev then now Libya and Iraq would had have the same leaders. Why you did not invade URRS wen they have invaded Afganistan? Because they would reprisal.

Not all wars need to be won with invasions. We indeed did defeat the URRS. Who do you think provided the Afghans/Taliban with their funding, aid, weapons and training? We let URRS sit there and ferment in their own stupidity and crushed them with our pockets.

---------- Post added at 08:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------

@To0 i thought that you are smarter. After many comments about your country, i thought you will change your opinion about it. But everyone can be wrong.

I want to ask you, just one simple question: Who are the Americans?

whites - Europe
blacks - Africa
yellows - Asia

My country has a history! We are here more than 10 centuries. We ate with golden spoons and forks, while people still thought the world was flat plates.

You are rich now, because after WWII Europe was destroyed, so someone needed to loan the money. Also no one attacked your country, so in every war you didn't have some losses (buildings, roads...)

What about your debt? More than 16 trillions?

You can't change someone's mind by showing anger and frustration because of a countries success. You can't change someone's mind by providing YouTube videos and false facts. A lot of things that you and others have said in regards to finances, foreign policy, living standards, health care and so on are incorrect and misleading.

Americans are those of us who call America home. Whether you are born here or have immigrated here - you are an American. We are made up of many ethniticies and we are proud of that.

Where are your golden spoons now? It is about right now, today and the future.

Our wealth was immediate. When we took over this country barbarically we inherited a vast luscious rich landscape filled with minerals, rich soil, oil, coal, food, fresh water and more. After the industrial revolution began in Europe and made its way here we innovated and worked hard - harder than anyone just like we do today. We welcomed immigrants with open arms and people ran to the new country for hope of a better future. As a result this country acquired wealth and visionaries who transformed this country. We wanted to stay out of WWI but got involved. Our people wanted nothing to do with it - we used to be isolationists, but the blood that was being shed was so severe we couldn't ignore it. Same thing happened in WWII. We would have helped in a limited fashion but then Pearl Harbor happened and that changed everything. Do not be mistaken when I say that our ground led invasion is what won that war. Without us all would have been lost. So your welcome (again).

Our power was always here even before WWII. We had the Atomic Bomb prior. We had a vast navy and military might and wealth. After WWII we stepped up and said enough is enough. We have fought wars with our men, with our mind, with our money. We have kept more peace than we would have seen if not.

As far as our debt is concerned. It's only temporary. It won't be forever. We're not losing any sleep over it and neither should you.

Kind regards to you all.

---------- Post added at 08:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 PM ----------

No.. Is just intoxicated or educated to believe that there country is the best. Probably there are no ghetto and the burgeoning drogs. I remember some scenes at tv about fredom there. Wen some people protested on wall street and the police got there and have put the people ho were protesting in kneels and then with tear gas and sticks taught them the true capitalism and democracy.

There are ghettos here as we'll as drugs. Drugs are prevalent. This does not go without saying that the people who live in the ghettos so choose to do so. It's not uncommon to see 26" Dayton's sitting on many of the rides there and whole blocks and streets are balling.

We're not a perfect society. Police overstep their boundaries some times, it happens. When it does they are reprimanded. People who are trying to shut down malls and businesses are idiots. When they were told to leave, they refused, rebelled and some were escorted by force. If you had some idiots on your property Nd they wouldn't leave and were causing your customers issues you would have to deal with it as well.

Allow me to reiterate what I have been stating.

The best country in the world is The United States of America.
The debt of 16 trillions is just temporary? It will still increase in the near future.

The best country in the world is The United States of America

That you think, and your allies (few countries only).

I can list you 10+ countries which are better than USA:

1. Germany
2. Sweden
3. Japan
4. France
5. Swiss
6. Australia
7. Iceland
8. Ireland
9. New Zealand
10. Norway
11. Denmark
12. Netherlands
13. Canada
14. Russia
15. India
Those are all great beautiful places filled with many great people.

We have many allies. Not just a few. Also, we have the important ones. Every single country on that list above is an ally aside from Russia.

Our debt is increasing you are right. The reduction process will begin soon enough. What's the rush?

USA still the best.
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Man you are full of shit and brain washed at the
who cares about your country,really we don't:)

PS: I don't live in france,and france has the 3rd largest nuclear stockpile(Plenty to wipe america off the map regardless if you fireback.

And as for your friends.The british don't like you,the australians think your a buch of retards and canada has to put up with you!!

THINK about it,why does the world not like have nothing we want???
What evil have you done and do!!

Come back and talk when the US makes a mistake and tries to take on a modern army who would counter back.
You simple do not have a record at winning a

Take on North Korea and see how far you get,they say if you did it would be the end of at least half a million US personal.
But hey i really want the US to stay around,we need a country to laugh at!!

PS: Foreign governments hold about 46 percent of all U.S Debt...mmm...Even russia loaned you cash!!
Face it your broke!!

PPS: This is a link to what a little tiny place called Scotland invented

You use The telephone which is not yours.
You use a Television thats not yours.
You use a Fax Machines not yours

The browers you use and software would not work without a computer,not invented by you.
Alan Turing is one guy and Charles Babbage and Konrad Zuse.

The first electric programmable computer Colossus English!!

First commercial computer -->Konrad Zuse

I love this one US Navy founded by John Paul Jones, a
You use a Refrigerator not yours and so many just from scotland alone.

Also you think Halloween is yours it's not,nothing to do with you at all,you never invented it!!

I also wake up everyday thanking i don't live in america:)

Kim say wazzz uppp(Love from NK)
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Thanks for the early morning laugh.

TELEVISION... Created by American Philo Farnsworth. Originally created by USA. Now created by other countries whom pay a patent fee for every single one manufactured. Then we resell for large profits.

TELEPHONE... Created by American Alexander Graham Bell.

REFRIDGERATOR... Created by Americans Oliver Evans and a few colleagues.

AIRPLANES... The Wright Brothers from my home state Ohio.


ELECTRICITY.... American Thomas Edison.

Here's a few more that you use in your every day life, that we invented:
Toilet Paper - American
Bifocals - American
Electric Stove - American
Escalator - American
Vacuum Cleaner - American
QWERTY - American, Your very keyboard
Zippers - American, on almost every pair of Jeans/Jackets you wear
Air Conditioning - American, you're welcome again
Vibrators - American, your girlfriends and wives use them
Deodorant - American
Credit Card - American
Cable Television - American
Videotape - American
Global Navigation Satellite System - American
Computer Mouse - American
Mouse Pad - American
Mini Computer - American
Personal Computer - American
Floppy Disk - American
E-Mail - American
Mobile Phone - American
Voicemail - American
Digital Camera - American
Space Shuttle - American
Internet - American
Garage Doors - American
Fire Hydrants - American
Firewall - American
DNA Computing - American
JavaScript - American

So, essentially, you can't wipe your ass without us (Toilet Paper) unless you wanted to use rocks, leaves or a sponge still. You can't email, go online, use a mouse, type on a keyboard, visit a webpage without us. Your welcome for electricity, and the digital era, cable television, or nearly half of the shit that you have right now.

You are welcome for our innovations. Like I said you live in an American world with American creations.

We employ foreign countries to spread wealth and have become a service industry.

There are no wars because everyone fears us.

Britain loves us as we do them. Your nuts.

To hate us, is to hate yourself, because you encompass all that we are. Our creations our ingenuity, our development of each and every one of your countries is greatly attributed to us.

We still produce most of the technology in the entire world.

Countries with the Most Nobel Prize Winners:
1 United States 270
2 United Kingdom 101
3 Germany 76
4 France 49
5 Sweden 30
6 Switzerland 22
7 Netherlands 15
8 USSR 14
9 Italy 14
10 Denmark 13
11 Japan 12
12 Austria 11
13 Canada 10
14 Spain 6
15 Australia 6
16 Ireland 5
17 Israel 5
18 Poland 5
19 South Africa 5
20 Argentina 5
21 India 4

Out of the 10 Most Important Technologies of Modern World those being: The light bulb, printing press, telephone, automobile, camera, television, airplane, atom bomb (Manhattan Project), personal computer, internet. We, the United States created all of the ones in bold.

It's my personal opinion. I love my country. There is a lot of good here, and there is bad. You have this everywhere. I am happy being an American. It's my choice.
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