Ask Smith! (Fitness, Bodybuilding)

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Okay then, well i'm one of those geeks who spend all day and all night on computer, i have like 110+ kilos.

With my semestre at school being finished, internet takes most of my time, all day and night.

I've been a fat guy since like 3 years now, and i've never tried to do any excercises, not any of any kind at all.

While this big weight has affected my life, it also affected my body, it got me some lines all over my stomach (Arms too), i don't really know what they call it in English lol.

My question is, where do i start, the very basic execises, what should i eat and other things.


Hmm well that is somewhat a bigger problem. 110 kilograms on what height?

Well if your semester finished, I could coach you 1 on 1, you will be totally different person in few months but hard work is required. However, coaching is not free but it's worth it.

If not, what I could recommend you is start with the basic. I like to cut down problem at it's rot, so if computer is problem? Quit it. Sell websites or give someone to manage them, get plans, diet and focus only on loosing weight.

However everyone is different but that's how I like to do it and it works best for me. Or you could try to spend less, much less time on a computer.

As yourself are you really earning that much money to be in such position? If you were fit and bulky, if someone asked you would you like to get fat, very fat and get extra $1000 or w.e (some normal amount)? I know I sure wouldn't accept offer.

So ask yourself, is it all worth it, sitting all day in front of a computer? Try to picture other side, where you are good looking guy, going out, girls, parties and so on... Compare and see, think very good about it.

So: cut down hours on computer, and decrease hours every week, start running everyday (cardio), no need to do weight lifting but it would help (a lot) and last but not least ignore bad food, sugar, candies and other bullshit.

Nothing will fall from sky, you have to actually earn it. No was was born with perfect body.

"Tears will get you sympathy, sweat will get you results."

Smith i mean that am same like you :P

That's good in my opinion.
Hmm well that is somewhat a bigger problem. 110 kilograms on what height?

Well if your semester finished, I could coach you 1 on 1, you will be totally different person in few months but hard work is required. However, coaching is not free but it's worth it.

If not, what I could recommend you is start with the basic. I like to cut down problem at it's rot, so if computer is problem? Quit it. Sell websites or give someone to manage them, get plans, diet and focus only on loosing weight.

However everyone is different but that's how I like to do it and it works best for me. Or you could try to spend less, much less time on a computer.

As yourself are you really earning that much money to be in such position? If you were fit and bulky, if someone asked you would you like to get fat, very fat and get extra $1000 or w.e (some normal amount)? I know I sure wouldn't accept offer.

So ask yourself, is it all worth it, sitting all day in front of a computer? Try to picture other side, where you are good looking guy, going out, girls, parties and so on... Compare and see, think very good about it.

So: cut down hours on computer, and decrease hours every week, start running everyday (cardio), no need to do weight lifting but it would help (a lot) and last but not least ignore bad food, sugar, candies and other bullshit.

Nothing will fall from sky, you have to actually earn it. No was was born with perfect body.

"Tears will get you sympathy, sweat will get you results."

That's good in my opinion.

Thanks for replying, my height is 1.83cm.

I don't own or manage any site or anything like that, and i am not spending much time online since a week now.

So, you can count my computer time already cutted, and i can't neither go for a run around the place i live due to several special and weird circumstances.

I Neither have any gyms around my town, going to another town's gym is literally impossible to me.

So maybe Home Exercising would be better, what do you suggest, where should i start?
Firstly, I Would like to say that its a Great Thread. Read each Post of you in this thread. And really it was worth it.

Now, Coming to the Question Part.
Presently, I am almost 15 years old. I am very skinny And low on Height (5'2).
I really need to Grow Height and Get Fat. I am pure veg. What do you think Can Help me?

Does Drinking Regular Cold Drinks (Coke,Pepsi) and eating Potato Chips Help in gaining weight?

I sleep around 6 hours at Night and around 1-2 Hours in the afternoon.

EDIT: To gain Height I am Hanging Nowadays. Does Yoga help?
And to gain Weight I am steadily trying to increase my Diet..!

Apart from this What should I do?
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First of all 2 hours per day will lead to over training. I train 4 days per week and no more than 50 minutes per workout. Everything above 1 hour is not going to help, just a waste of time.

So lower training to 3, maybe 4 days per week and make sure you eat enough meat (fish, chicken, beef), eggs, milk, cheese as for carbs eat potatoes, pasta, rice and so on. Fish is very very good protein source as it's very low in fat and even that fat is healthy for you.

Also 3rd but not least is to rest enough, do not do anything hard if you train on same day because you might over train and that's not good. Sleep at least 8 hours per day and that's all you have to know for now. Goodluck.
Bro did u not see it,i said
i am a vegetarian.........
Thanks for replying, my height is 1.83cm.

I don't own or manage any site or anything like that, and i am not spending much time online since a week now.

So, you can count my computer time already cutted, and i can't neither go for a run around the place i live due to several special and weird circumstances.

I Neither have any gyms around my town, going to another town's gym is literally impossible to me.

So maybe Home Exercising would be better, what do you suggest, where should i start?

Okay, we are good there, regarding computer.

First thing in the morning is cardio, 30-50mins. Bicycle or simply running will do it.

Then you will have your first meal, remember go with high protein, low fat and low carb diets.

I wrote few good protein sources in on of my previous posts. You want to stay AWAY from fat, candies, coca cola and other similar shit. As for carbs you have pasta, rice, potatoes and so on.. (google is your friend).

Then, let's say you had 2 smaller meals, you can do a workout at home. Push ups, chin ups, squats, curls (I also wrote in my previous posts how you can make simple dumbbells).

But don't do them at same day all at once, you could, but don't push yourself too hard because you will overtrain.

So if you choose to do all of those exercises heres how you could do it:

Monday: Cardio in the morning, workout, cardio in the evening (do NOT eat anything before sleep).
Tuesday: Cardio in the morning
Wednesday: Cardio in the morning, workout
Thursday: rest
Friday: cardio in the morning, workout, cardio in the evening
Saturday: rest
Sunday: what ever you want.

Since I'm a freak honestly when It comes to training I would do 2 cardio + workout every day, and take maybe 1 day off. But don't do that as you will overtrain, you are still a beginner. So take it easy.

Lot of water, do not forget that and as many meals as possible, smaller ones. Fruit, vegetables, anything you like as long it's not sugar and candies with ton of calories.

Take your picture now, measure, train hard for 30 days, take measure again, compare pictures and I guarantee you will see results.

Also rest is very important, listen to your body, if you are very tired, cut down cardio workouts to 1 instead 2 or simply take 1 more day of just rest.

On first place you have diet, workout and rest are on second place.

Good luck!

Firstly, I Would like to say that its a Great Thread. Read each Post of you in this thread. And really it was worth it.

Now, Coming to the Question Part.
Presently, I am almost 15 years old. I am very skinny And low on Height (5'2).
I really need to Grow Height and Get Fat. I am pure veg. What do you think Can Help me?

Does Drinking Regular Cold Drinks (Coke,Pepsi) and eating Potato Chips Help in gaining weight?

EDIT: To gain Height I am Hanging Nowadays. Does Yoga help?
And to gain Weight I am steadily trying to increase my Diet..!

Thank you, trying to contribute back.

Hmmm well you are still 15, so you still have a lot to grow or maybe not, depends on your genetics. How tall are your parents, grandparents?

Okay being vegetarian is hard and trying to get bigger is kinda harder for vegs. Not impossible just harder.

You will have to go for eggs, nuts, soy, milk, cheese and so on, but 1 important part is missing and that is meat.

As you are still 15 you want to do basic exercises such as Squats, Deadlifting and BenchPressing, those 3 exercises are best for building basic physique and will push your body to produce more testosterone = will lead to height increase.

But WATCH ON FORM, as they are very dangerous exercises too.

Stay away from bad food, all you will get is fat, and then you will have to burn fat. It's much easier if you start packing some quality mass/muscle right from the start.

Check few posts back, I posted link for vegetarians, one member posted similar question.
My Parents and Grandparents are also Low on Height.
And To Gain Weight is it important to sleep more and more?
Does Running Help in Gaining Height?
My Parents and Grandparents are also Low on Height.
And To Gain Weight is it important to sleep more and more?

Well you might want to start with workouts as soon as possible, there is still chance you could increase your height. And correct, rest is very important, just like diet and training. Those 3 are connected.
Getting Sexually Stimulated will also Produce more Testosterone, So is it also helpful in Gaining Height?
How many Kilo's should I lift ffor exercises like Squat and DeadLifting?
Seeing the tips you are giving i felt tempted to ask you something.
My weight is 63 with height of 6'3
Yeah, i am skinny.

Now the thing is that, i have just started gym and i would like to know which exercises/machines do i need to concentrate on. Some guys say thin guys should not do cardio and some say cardio is good for your heart. I am really confused about that.

Also, we have a routine in of chest,biceps,triceps,wings,shoulders.
I want to know that, do i need to continue with the wings routine?
Getting Sexually Stimulated will also Produce more Testosterone, So is it also helpful in Gaining Height?
How many Kilo's should I lift ffor exercises like Squat and DeadLifting?

Just be very active, sex is good cardio workout too :P

As for kilograms, dunno, start from 10,20kg, then increase by 5kg. Goal is to lift your own weight, then everything above will contribute more. But not always more = better, so watch out.

Seeing the tips you are giving i felt tempted to ask you something.
My weight is 63 with height of 6'3
Yeah, i am skinny.

Now the thing is that, i have just started gym and i would like to know which exercises/machines do i need to concentrate on. Some guys say thin guys should not do cardio and some say cardio is good for your heart. I am really confused about that.

Also, we have a routine in of chest,biceps,triceps,wings,shoulders.
I want to know that, do i need to continue with the wings routine?

A lot of guys asked same question so please check my older posts as it would be stupid for me to repeat myself over. As for cardio, yes, you are correct, cardio is good for heart but if you are skinny, do NOT do it unless you are really packing a lot of calories daily so you got extra to spend.

I would not recommend it however.

Wings? You mean back?

Monday: Chest and Biceps
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Legs and Shoulders
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Back and Triceps
Saturday: Rest OR Abs and Calves
Sunday: Rest

You could also focus on every bodypart/per day but don't do it now as you are just starting out.
Thanks for advice, Smith. You seem to be an expert, are you sure you are in the right biz? ;)

Thank you very much but I'm not an expert ;)

However, Im into fitness and bodybuilding, healthy life style in general and my goal is to become IFBB professional bodybuilder someday and promote the sport of bodybuilding.

WJ/Warez is just for fun and this is only forum I use to be honest.
hi Smith, it may sound offtopic but I have to ask this since it's all about our body. I'm having pimples on my body, is it normal?... how do we avoid it?
Wednesday: Legs and Shoulders

There is some researches that doing legs and shoulders in same day is not good because of some nerv's that are conected and my cause some serious injury,and also beginer or not for legs need to be exercise alone because trening for legs is too hard and you spend much energy on them and when you grab weight you fall on ground.

If you want to do it do it right from the begining.

Smit sory it's your thread if you want i will edit post i just want to point on posible problem.
Does Hormonal Imbalance Weight Gain :(..

I weigh around 110+ Kg's.. I have joined a Gym, for almost 2months i have shed some 4-5 odd kilos .. I do 1 hr Cardio (20Mins Cycling, 20Mins Walking, 20Mins Stepper) .. And also some tips to shed more weight in coming time =)

I had read in a article that hormone imbalance is also a reason for Weight Gain Quickly..

The Website said, Take 50mg of zinc(2Times) and 2mg of copper per day. This will convert all the Useless Estrogen into Testosterone..

Do u think i have this prob and should i get tested ..

Help Me Out Smith

Thanx :)
8 lb each hand is not a lot you need to step up.
thats why you do at 3 times week so you try your hardest to feel the pain

Do not do everyday you want to do every thing so you look better.
you want biceps, triceps , chest arms shoulders legs.

You don't have to do them everyday 3 times a week. your workout should be every other day.

you should do cardio every morning for 30-1hr after drinking water

what do you have at home?

Let's wait for Smith lol

Good Luck


You need protein

You can't eat meat so

Or you could go with Protein Shake
Well, I can do more than 8lb but I cannot go beyond 20 then (with pressure). So maybe 8lb is fine for me lol
I do not goto gym and can't make myself go due to studies, college, etc. so I bought a gym set which has 4-5 sets of dumbbells. 1KG, 2KG, 4KG, 8KG and then those big rod dumbbells which you lift from both hands (like weight lifting) etc.

I cannot consume Egg too as I'm brahmin and my caste doesn't allow me to eat it :(
But I drink milk milk everyday (about 1 glass).
Alright blaze mate first of all if you want big arms, bulking triceps will benefit much more as triceps (3 muscles/heads) is much larger muscle than biceps (2 muscles/heads). So if you want that mass on arms, I would focus more on triceps.

For triceps at home, not much you could do but, good old push ups will help for sure.

As for biceps, well biceps curls are good but 4kg won't do any good to be honest. You need to increase weight if you want to see some progress. You could build your own dumbbells from sand and water bottles or something (5-8kg), be creative. I would however, recommend to join gym. You will have all necessary machines there, in other words it will speed up bulking process much faster.

Yeah triceps - biceps, whichever is good, I'd like to build it.

I started pushups but I cannot do more than 5 (why ? coz my strength is less and my body weight is more - 80kg)
So to increase strength I started dumbbells and I can do at the most 7 pushups now. I have sets of dumbbell (1KG, 2KG, 4KG, 8KG) I'm at 4KG currently and doing about 60-80 per day. If I to 8KG I cannot cross 15 (tried it xD)

I have a small toned triceps and small toned biceps, but its too negligible due to the enormous chest & stomach of mine. So thats why I wanted them bulging so that my body becomes in shape.
Hey Smith, first of all this is a great thread I was looking for some one for a advice.

So I am around 18, 5'11 my weight is 92 Kgs. I know that's about 22 Kgs extra, although heavy bones are my family tendency.

I workout daily about a month now (pushups 2 sets of 20 ,some weight lifting 15kgs - 30 Kgs,and some yoga).

Although I m not sure about how much cardio I should be doing for starters as due to some previous injuries i was a patient of Slip Disc.. (Fully recovered now), so would 2 - 3 kms thrice a week would be enough ?.

Also I know I could still gain some height if I could cut on weight and workout.So I would like to know what kind of Diet I should follow ? and do you think I m right about the height gaining part ?

I drink a lot of water but i would like to know would drinking cold water or eating cold food ( i mean like out of refrigerator), would increase my tummy ? as i have herd a lot of people saying so.

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I recently started doing pushups , sit ups, etc. Can do about 20-30 max.
Been doing it for 3-4 weeks, i see little change on my biceps, is that normal?

Also how can i increase the size of my wrist and chest? Thank you
I recently started doing pushups , sit ups, etc. Can do about 20-30 max.
Been doing it for 3-4 weeks, i see little change on my biceps, is that normal?

Also how can i increase the size of my wrist and chest? Thank you

Size of wrist doesnt increase much with exercise
its genetics
it depends upon the size or radius & ulna :)

with wrist exercises only belly of muscle ( pronators & supinators ) ll increase for sure (Flexors and extensor muscles ll increase in mass i.e Hypertrophy )
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