UltraMegaBit.com Discussion Thread - Post your discussion related to UMB here!

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Hey guys, I just wanted to chime in on this situation as I have actively been in communication with a couple individuals from this file host in recent weeks.

The file host formerly known as UltraMegabit has recently been taken over by a new organization which has decided to change its name to UploadTo.Us.

During the initial transition of ownership the file host did have a brief few days where the payment processing was not functional (hence why we saw zero sales there for a bit). A little over a week or so ago the payment processing had been resumed (hence why sales have started to show up again).

I've also been told that they will be honoring their affiliate's debts and will be paying them out very soon. I do not work for and/or own this file host, I'm simply another affiliate sharing information with the WJunction community so I don't want to be specific with any dates but I've been told (and believe to be true) that the payouts will be sent very very soon.

Some of you may have seen my disgust towards FileOM lately in the way they have mishandled payments owed to their affiliates, specifically how their "manager" (who in reality is their owner) has continuously lied about various matters.

To the contrary, you have not seen me complain about UltraMegabit because they simply have not ever lied to me once and in the short time frame that I have spoken with the individuals at UploadTo.Us, I have gotten the feeling that this level of trust will remain the same.

I, like every other affiliate has been waiting to receive my payout from this file host and am currently waiting patiently.

PS I kindly ask that you do not contact me directly and/or reply to this post with any further questions as I am just another affiliate and regular WJunction community member, therefore any replies/private messages related to this matter will be ignored and/or deleted. If any further information is made available to myself regarding this matter I may post an update in this thread.
Hey guys, I just wanted to chime in on this situation as I have actively been in communication with a couple individuals from this file host in recent weeks.

The file host formerly known as UltraMegabit has recently been taken over by a new organization which has decided to change its name to UploadTo.Us.

During the initial transition of ownership the file host did have a brief few days where the payment processing was not functional (hence why we saw zero sales there for a bit). A little over a week or so ago the payment processing had been resumed (hence why sales have started to show up again).

I've also been told that they will be honoring their affiliate's debts and will be paying them out very soon. I do not work for and/or own this file host, I'm simply another affiliate sharing information with the WJunction community so I don't want to be specific with any dates but I've been told (and believe to be true) that the payouts will be sent very very soon.

Some of you may have seen my disgust towards FileOM lately in the way they have mishandled payments owed to their affiliates, specifically how their "manager" (who in reality is their owner) has continuously lied about various matters.

To the contrary, you have not seen me complain about UltraMegabit because they simply have not ever lied to me once and in the short time frame that I have spoken with the individuals at UploadTo.Us, I have gotten the feeling that this level of trust will remain the same.

I, like every other affiliate has been waiting to receive my payout from this file host and am currently waiting patiently.

PS I kindly ask that you do not contact me directly and/or reply to this post with any further questions as I am just another affiliate and regular WJunction community member, therefore any replies/private messages related to this matter will be ignored and/or deleted. If any further information is made available to myself regarding this matter I may post an update in this thread.

They haven't responded to one support ticket I have opened so for me they are as bad as or even worse then fileom.
Hey guys, I just wanted to chime in on this situation as I have actively been in communication with a couple individuals from this file host in recent weeks.

The file host formerly known as UltraMegabit has recently been taken over by a new organization which has decided to change its name to UploadTo.Us.

During the initial transition of ownership the file host did have a brief few days where the payment processing was not functional (hence why we saw zero sales there for a bit). A little over a week or so ago the payment processing had been resumed (hence why sales have started to show up again).

I've also been told that they will be honoring their affiliate's debts and will be paying them out very soon. I do not work for and/or own this file host, I'm simply another affiliate sharing information with the WJunction community so I don't want to be specific with any dates but I've been told (and believe to be true) that the payouts will be sent very very soon.

Some of you may have seen my disgust towards FileOM lately in the way they have mishandled payments owed to their affiliates, specifically how their "manager" (who in reality is their owner) has continuously lied about various matters.

To the contrary, you have not seen me complain about UltraMegabit because they simply have not ever lied to me once and in the short time frame that I have spoken with the individuals at UploadTo.Us, I have gotten the feeling that this level of trust will remain the same.

I, like every other affiliate has been waiting to receive my payout from this file host and am currently waiting patiently.

PS I kindly ask that you do not contact me directly and/or reply to this post with any further questions as I am just another affiliate and regular WJunction community member, therefore any replies/private messages related to this matter will be ignored and/or deleted. If any further information is made available to myself regarding this matter I may post an update in this thread.

They haven't responded to one support ticket I have opened so for me they are as bad as or even worse then fileom.

Well, if they haven't responded to you via the support system then I'd agree that it kinda sucks. But at the same time there is a whole lot of changes that they're undergoing right now including a complete change of ownership so I can see how shit could fall through the cracks.

While I do understand your point, I must say that personally I'd rather have no response at all then to have 100% lies in every response that I have ever received as I have from FileOM.

But that's just my opinion and I could fully agree with your opinion as well, but unfortunately filegrasper repeatedly lied to me which seriously pisses me off, if you don't have anything good to say then sometimes its better not to say anything at all. :)

To clarify my earlier post, I don't mind general talking about this file host, its just I don't want to be fielding any specific questions on their behalf because I am no more than an affiliate of theirs and that all which I know at this time has already been said.
I stopped actively using UMB back in late June, but if they catch up with back payments I'd be willing to give the new owners a chance. It's just odd that they haven't even posted an announcement on the website about the name change.
Hey guys, I just wanted to chime in on this situation as I have actively been in communication with a couple individuals from this file host in recent weeks.

The file host formerly known as UltraMegabit has recently been taken over by a new organization which has decided to change its name to UploadTo.Us.

During the initial transition of ownership the file host did have a brief few days where the payment processing was not functional (hence why we saw zero sales there for a bit). A little over a week or so ago the payment processing had been resumed (hence why sales have started to show up again).

I've also been told that they will be honoring their affiliate's debts and will be paying them out very soon. I do not work for and/or own this file host, I'm simply another affiliate sharing information with the WJunction community so I don't want to be specific with any dates but I've been told (and believe to be true) that the payouts will be sent very very soon.

Some of you may have seen my disgust towards FileOM lately in the way they have mishandled payments owed to their affiliates, specifically how their "manager" (who in reality is their owner) has continuously lied about various matters.

To the contrary, you have not seen me complain about UltraMegabit because they simply have not ever lied to me once and in the short time frame that I have spoken with the individuals at UploadTo.Us, I have gotten the feeling that this level of trust will remain the same.

I, like every other affiliate has been waiting to receive my payout from this file host and am currently waiting patiently.

PS I kindly ask that you do not contact me directly and/or reply to this post with any further questions as I am just another affiliate and regular WJunction community member, therefore any replies/private messages related to this matter will be ignored and/or deleted. If any further information is made available to myself regarding this matter I may post an update in this thread.

This post is spot on.

Things are getting back to normal, I have already received a payment and sales are getting back to normal as well. I know it sucks to have delayed payments but in 2 years they have NEVER failed to make a payment so they've earned some trust and patience.
This post is spot on.

Things are getting back to normal, I have already received a payment and sales are getting back to normal as well. I know it sucks to have delayed payments but in 2 years they have NEVER failed to make a payment so they've earned some trust and patience.
when did you receive your payment
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seems like this is another host scamming,

I haven't had a payment in weeks and they don't respnd to my support tickets but carry on rebilling all my users.

I am about to delete all my files and recommend that my users contact they banks and get a charge back on their payments.
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what happened to the ability to make a file available to ONLY PREMIUM members. it seems that OPTION is no longer available in my file list.. :(
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