UltraMegaBit.com Discussion Thread - Post your discussion related to UMB here!

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the following message was posted on a rather popular forum for horny adults:
Originally Posted by uploadto.us
All Ultramegabit links will forward to the new domain name. And sales are fine as we've secured a number of more merchant accounts to avoid any incidents. Domain name is uploadto.us. Everything should be working fine except for ftp upload which will be fixed today.

Should any users have any problems logging in with their old credentials, they must do a force refresh and clear all cookies related to Ultramegabit.
rebills counts accurate?
Still no Paypal payment. I already contacted support and if this still persist I would definitely drop UMB. 5 to 7 days delayed payment. Getting worse every week.
according to the stopfilelockers site...

UltraMegaBit faced a problem in mid July. It lost the ability to process payments via credit card.It’s solution appears to be to rebrand as UPLOADTO.US and change it’s company name, however despite these cosmetic changes the site essentially remains the same.
according to the stopfilelockers site...

UltraMegaBit faced a problem in mid July. It lost the ability to process payments via credit card.It’s solution appears to be to rebrand as UPLOADTO.US and change it’s company name, however despite these cosmetic changes the site essentially remains the same.

Yes, but the payment gateway is back and sales are back. Maybe problem is solved. Wait sometime and hope he will pay us
is anyone making any sales? I have made 1 sale since they changed their domain name, also has anyone got any information about pending payments?
Still no Paypal payment. I already contacted support and if this still persist I would definitely drop UMB. 5 to 7 days delayed payment. Getting worse every week.
In other words, he does not pay!Should at least have a say ah

Late payment doesn't mean they don't pay, please use your brain before commenting. They had always paid me for the last 9 months. lol. Next time if you want to comment better use your brain or I might do intergalactic facepalm.
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host seems dead now :thumbdown:

I am going to stop working with them and move my files to another host, it's one thing not paying us but they should at least respond to our support emails and let us know whats going on.
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it says in my account full payment was sent on 14/07/2014 but I never got the money to my Paypal? it was only a little amount of $25 but its a shame because I always liked Ultra.
time to delete my files I think as it seems like I am just wasting my time with this host, they never respond to my tickets and they havent paid me in weeks.
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Anyone else have files that were marked as Premium Only changed back to regular?
I think it happened when they changed names to upload to.us.
I havent received a payment in 3 weeks now, I am starting to think this is the end of ultramegabit.
Its not new, they hold payment for 14 days, and then pay after 1 week :) so 21 days is normal for PPS.
Mmm...well its coming up to 4 weeks since they claimed to have paid me, but no sign of anything tangible, (persay). I'm sensing this is going to play out like the Extabit scenario? Well maybe the only difference, UMB changed their name. I'll give them another 2 weeks. I'm hoping they pay otherwise I'm deleting everything. Hard times.
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