Shared SolidNode Networks - Hosting Done /w a Passion

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It does not open here. From what it seems to me, the server is not physically down but there is some problem with his web-server delivering pages.

And ecatel seems to have network problems quite frequently.
After fixing the Disk Issue, there appears to be another issue that we are attempting to track down and fix. We are compiling a new kernel in case that might be the cause for these random reboots.
We believe that we have finally traced the cause and are now compiling the final kernel version which will be a whole lot more stable then the previous one.

We will compensate everyone with an extra week of hosting to make up for the downtime.
even after that whole drama I decided to stick with solidnode, just only because of their good uptime.
but now they are just testing my patience. I will wait for one more week, if this doesn't rectify by then, then goodbye to solidnode.
It seems to be down here too. You use one server for your website and all your clients?

down again today whens this problem going to be rectified ? cant afford anymore downtime :(
You should choose experienced hosts. No experienced people will try out kernels on a production server.
Ever since 4 hours ago my site had been going up and down. Sure it doesnt go down for more than a few minutes at a time but still its getting more and more frequent :(
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