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If You love RG then You have a poor life (just kiddin :))
History teaches that no hosting lasts forever (but rs :))

Yes file downloads dropped a lot, some files are impossible to download from some countries, file not found error still eating our files, I got no sales for yesterday (and thats really weird).
The more files I upload, the worse stats I got :)
guys there is one more new issue that users are complaining, NO ONE IS ABLE TO DOWNLOAD AS FREE USERS FROM MOST COUNTRIES, after they enter the capacha nothing comes no download link and mostly time out... Most big forums have decided to ban rapidgator since their recent activities...
absolutely rite there is problem with their stats i have been watching it carefully and some files are alwas having 0 downloads though people have downloaded them completely .
DMCA good work!

it's pr26 + pr27

but nothing happens :facepalm:

I'll watch this situation one week -> nothing happens -> i'm out

Delete files and reupload. (If I don't delete files first, new uploads of the same files are going to the same pr27.)
Reuploaded files are located in pr2 and the count starts working now. :sun:
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