Shared PirateSolutions - Affordable and Reliable Hosting Solutions

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I'm not asking for support...

I'm just wondering if everyone is happy with their uptime

You did not ask if everyone was happy with their uptime.
You clearly said "anyone experiencing downtime". There for asking for help or asking other people if they are having a similar experience.

When what you do is contact the hosting company and ask!

If i have mistake, forgive me, but that is what i got out of what us aid. :|
My site has been down for almost 20 hours. No notice from piratesolutions on what the problem is or how long. This is like the 4th time we have gone down for an extended time (including when the host was hacked)
Does not load for me neither, has anybody had any contact with them? if not then looks like they have given up. Does everyone have backups? I sure hope so.

This sucks. I hate when people do this.
If they are going to just "give up" and quit, they should atleast send you an email "We are stopping hosting, screw you and we are keeping the money" lol. or some explanation.

Who knows, this has happened to them a lot, maybe they are having server troubles and will fix it. (we hope)
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