FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Amount payable is updated ....but the amount on the top remain the same....Probably it's take a while to sync!
Is fileserve having problem with their server? Many of my downloaders complained after waiting for X minutes -> Click on Slower download -> File not found! But I can still see those file in my "My Files"... :(
Hey guys...

File not found / 410 error is caused by server overload. As said, our hardware supplier is a bit slow on the trigger, and has been cautioned to fix up. We have received 10 servers in total of 100, so when those 100 are up, we can fix all the small issues, such as File Manager and "file not found". Speed for EVERYONE should be back to normal, when we have the 30 added this week (we were promised this).

We are doing a lot in the back-end that isn't visible for you guys. Remote and FTP should be alive and good to go - Tested and tried it a few hours ago, and it was running smoother than a fresh ice rink.

I know of SharingMatrix trying to compete with us by offering higher payouts. They've had 2 years to fix up their bugs/issues (we've had 3.5 months), and it's only been lately they've been doing so. I still truly believe that our service will prevail and be rubbing shoulders with HF very soon

I thank all of you for your support and patience!

Webmaster Program will be up today after much delay!

@ Gonzo1136: No, the bans were either performed EARLY in our stages, when we had unstable free servers that caused users to get rather slow speeds. We fixed this, they didn't fix the ban. Another cause is the misuse/abuse of our service by re-uploading old links (from other hosts) and posting with our new links. Furthermore, some users have been spamming our links on different boards/forums in order for personal gains. This of course violates our TOS, but if the admins don't report such matters, we cannot do much. We do hope that we can be unbanned eventually and appeals to you guys to speak on behalf of our service and what you've experienced.

Also..see above. You don't need to change your links. Just stand by until the servers are eased.

Looks like I have to stop using your service until the file not found issue is resolved. A few of the sites I was on are heavy traffic ones with overzealous/hysterical/psychopathic mods and crowds who are download hungry, click reckless and more than willing to buy premiums. But those guys like to report the slightest shit of file host. I dare not push FS there from now on until things are smooth on your site lest you and me got banned.
Yes, SharingMatrix is pumping up their agressive marketing campaign. Now paying upto US$30 per 1,000 downloads.

I've been a fan of FS from the beginning but these file issues just take too long.
Yes, SharingMatrix is pumping up their agressive marketing campaign. Now paying upto US$30 per 1,000 downloads.

But their upload speed is not as fast as FileServe. I've been a fan of FS from the beginning but these file issues just take too long.

Yup. This will piss off the downloaders
Gonzo1136: 48 hours. Promise. 30 servers should be up by then, and you should be able to get good speeds (as a free & ano & Premium). Hopefully our hardware supplier won't flop on the next batch of 40 by next week!

Webmaster program is now up! (

Can you PM me a link of the file off server 83?

Thanks :)
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