FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Dear Admin,
My account is blocked due to some reasons ı do not understand. Please tell me the reason. Besides, I'd prefer a notification before that block. I really want to learn the reason... I've been using fileserve for a long time. Interestingly, I am experiencing problems now. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS THE PROBLEM. Unless I used JDownloader, I'd never know that my account was blocked.
After I posted above message, I saw your reply to other people. I understand that you believe I shared my account with someone else or someone hijacked my account. First of all I NEVER SHARED my account. Secondly, I never remember FS told me to change my password every 3 days at most. I am a busy man, sometimes I do not use my FS account for days, how can I change every 3 days? If someone can easily hijack my account, does this mean they can also hijack my payment info. If so, I think it is not safe to buy FS account. Lastly, you should warn people about the threats and also notify them before you block their account. Please reactivate my account (FS username is ozturke) or repay the money I paid you for my premium account to be active until april 2012. And I'll terminate my FS membership and buy preimum account from some other company and this time I'll change my password every 3 days. My membership may not be important for you but you can not behave innocent customers as "thieves". Because I think it is you who steal in this case by blocking an innocent customer's paid account without any notification.
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Look, I'm getting tired I got a subscription to 2013 I am blessed fileserve want to restore?
Otherwise, give me my money back :-(
Or give me a clear explanation of the why of it all :-(

Account name - dugle30

I'm trying to use Jdownloader but I get a message that my account has been blocked. I just upgraded back to a premium user after a month or two without being premium. I was directed here to try to get this resolved.
No renew premium account

Look, I'm getting tired I got a subscription to 2013 I am blessed fileserve want to restore?
Otherwise, give me my money back :-(
Or give me a clear explanation of the why of it all :-(

michelebellato8094 seems that a lot of users are having troubles with fileserve. I don't know why fileserve has decided to have zero tollerance with premium users, but one thing is sure, It's very difficult having an explanation. Someone has disabled, other banned, other re-enabled soon. If you are from Italy like me, talk to other users and say them what is happening with fileserve and block your paypal payment X-(
Hi RickyFS,

My account was banned since last week. I'm the only user of the account. I tried contacting fileserve, but there was no replies. Is there any way that you can activate my account back?

My username is darrenology (premium)

Disabled Account

Hi Ricky,

I was hoping you could help. My account was recently 'disabled' and I'm not sure as to why. Unfortunately, I never received an email that it was going to be disabled. I haven't given out my user ID to anyone. I'm the only one who uses it - I don't share it with anyone. I'm guessing that my account was hacked, but I've been using the account since April of this year with no troubles.

If you or someone could help me and possibly restore my account, it would be greatly appreciated. Also, if you could let me know why the account was disabled so I could avoid this in the future, it would be appreciated as well.


(I PM'd you with the same info as above as well as my login ID...)
My account was disabled this morning when I attempted to download two files using jdownloader. No reason was given, just a notice to come to this board. I will PM my login info to you.
My account was disabled yesterday afternoon when I attempted to download some files using jdownloader. Jdownloader popped up a notice to come to this board. I will also PM my login info to you.
Same here, account is disabled for 24 hours again, happened before about a week ago. Ricky was very helpful though and I'm sure they just need to make a few more fixes.

Spud's post gave me an idea. Fileserve should send it's users a detailed e-mail when their accounts become disabled/banned. Many of us that remote upload are not even aware that our accounts have problems until later.
hi ricky fs help appreciated

Morning Ricky.
I believe a great many innocents have been caught up in F S's zero tolerance.
I understand a lot of people share accounts,. or have there info hijacked. However I use a couple of providers like yourself and am having no issues with the others. I have even gone to the trouble of contacting their support to see if there is any unusual activity on my account.... There is not.
I am struggling to see what mistake i have made if any. I have a small home network with 2 sometimes 3 computers on the net.
2 of these computers are used to logon to fileserve, but never at the same time.
And one of these computers does the bulk of the work. The second one is only used on the odd occasion my wife is on the primary computer.
I average 3 to 4 gb a day and maybe once a month will hit 10gb in a day.
I use "internet download manager" and as stated my other account details have not been hijacked.
All I ask is that the actual crime committed be explained so as i can avoid it in the future, should you be kind enough to reactivate my account.

PS: Rick I'm sure you have been looking at the Tens of thousands of posts on the many forums. And I will be lucky if you read this one, however you must be able to see that something is wrong with your filter.
There is a lot of genuine people who are hurting over the decisions your company has made in the past week or so

Kind regards

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Blocked account FS


I´m with the same problem of other users, I don´t use fileserve everyday, but I have wifi internet conection (not cable provider) with dynamic ip every days.. I can´t understand why mi account is blocked and no advise from fileserve, no mail, nothing.

My account is "pomardier".

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