FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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FileServe is running a zero-tolerance campaign against people who decides to share their account details whether this was intended or not.

Account sharing is a violation of FileServe's Terms & Conditions and will result in a Downgrade OR a Permanent Ban depending on severity. We do not care if you shared your account with your little brother/sister, friend from 100 miles away nor your great granddad in the mountains of Norway; sharing CAN have consequences for your account.

We advice that you do not give out your password, use third party software nor use untrusted service providers. Please keep your password safely secured. We will not unban users who are caught abusing our system, whether it was intended or not.

We will downgrade or stop accounts without prior notice. It is your
duty to change your password regularly and have one that is strong enough to resist easy bruteforcing (this means no 123456, qazwsx, your username [etc].)

Hint: Change your password as frequently as every 3 days if you want to stay on top of any issues.
Show me point where is the information that we can`t share my account with other person? There is no information about it. So you have to unblock all banned accounts. And we are waiting.

Added after 6 minutes:

And when you don`t unblock my account - tomorrow i go to the police. When i have bought premium account we make a contract right? And is there any information at your site that accounts can`t be shared with other people? no. So you block accounts without basics. So you don`t hold the terms of our contract.
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But i use my account according to the terms because there is no info that i can`t share my account with other person. So RickyFS is obliged to unban all blocked accounts.
@ TheGamer11: Like your threat :) However, instead of blowing hot air, how about you PM me with your username and IP?

@ bronq21: Read the Terms again. If you do not understand them hire a $300/hr lawyer to go through it and explain to you why we're not obliged to unban your account for sharing.
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Yes, show me 1 point which says that i can`t share my account with other person.

you will be suprised but i am lawyer so it will be free for me. Tomorrow i will do first law steps.
FileServe may reject your Application and/or terminate your Membership at any time and for any reason, in our sole discretion. Such reasons may include, without limitation: (a) where FileServe believes that you are in any way in breach of the Agreement; and (b) where FileServe believes that you are, at any time, conducting any unauthorized commercial activity by and through your Membership.

...Do I need to say more or do you still want to take that trip down to your local police station?

Here's a simple rule: Don't share your account.
Yes. When you have right - you will win. But when i have right - i will win.

Yes. When you have right - you will win. But when i have right - i will win.

Here's a simple rule: Don't share your account.

Here, but not in your terms of use on Fileserve. I have copied all your materials of your website, so you can add someting - it`s doesn`t matter now.
Me too. Now it`s your problem, not my.

Edit in by Sniffdog: Please continue your argument by PM. Any reference to this issue will receive a ban.

As a user of the Site, you are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable and limited license to access and use the Member Content URLs, Site, Services and associated content (collectively, "FileServe Content").

Furthermore, as 'I am lawyer' you should have a more thorough knowledge of the language and law.

By buying a premium you take on a contract with Fileserve and you should be explicitly be allowed to share your account with other people. I can't find that anywhere in the Terms of Use nor have you been allowed in writing.
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Can I upload to my FS account from 2 location? one from NL and one from USA?

If not, can I create my second account(I will not reffer myself) with same payment info?

I believe this was already answered, but you have 2283 pages till now
Ricky, FYI. (home system)

My ISP over the last couple of days is upgrading my download speeds to 100 Meg. Happy to say, File Serve can reach my full potential of hitting 92-95 Meg with downloading several FS files at one time :)

Thanks for the great service. Now I just need to update my ethernet to Gigibit network and get rid of my 100 meg ethernet.

i am sure FS can get me up to +100 meg for the download with new ethernet as you have always been very good service for me. Both DL and UL.


just wanted to share some "good" news here at this forum.
@ ballwin: All good. Glad to hear you can get good speeds from us. It isn't a joke that we care about user-speed and infrastructure.

People only notice if one part goes down, which hasn't happened for a long time.

@ Camille: Perhaps 1 hour behind I believe. Will catch up no problem!
@ TheGamer11: Like your threat :) However, instead of blowing hot air, how about you PM me with your username and IP?

@ bronq21: Read the Terms again. If you do not understand them hire a $300/hr lawyer to go through it and explain to you why we're not obliged to unban your account for sharing.

Ok pm send
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