FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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If you are using a dedicated server or have a dynamic ip address (really common in Spain) keep away from fileserve, they will block your account and will not answer your complains.
They will just keep your money and give you nothing in exchange.

Fileserve is ripping of to all the spanish people.

You always can open a dispute in paypal (as I did) so when a lot of disputes are open fileserve will give back our money.

Use another file host, and keep really far away from fileserve

I have been using fileserve for ages now and never had a problem or complaint however this morning when i tried to download i was redirected to error landing 1707 that said my account had been temporarily banned for violation of terms and conditions!!

I have not shared my password, although i do use it on two different computers though, one at home and one at work!!

Can someone please explain why this has happened and how i can resolve it!!

Thanks in Advance to anyone who can Help!!

You can not resolve this, you just loose your money (as I did) because you are using it from different computers (though is only two they will say you just shared your account)
I loose my money for using my account from a dedicated server with a single ip address.
And why will someone use their services again?
If they steal from me once, same on them, if they steal from me twice, same on me.

Use one of the other file hosters, do not use them never again or until they answer to your problem one way or another:

Giving you your money back or giving you the same free amount of time they blocked your account. And believe none of this two cases is going to happen, so keep away from fileserve
FileServe is running a zero-tolerance campaign against people who decides to share their account details whether this was intended or not.

Account sharing is a violation of FileServe's Terms & Conditions and will result in a Downgrade OR a Permanent Ban depending on severity. We do not care if you shared your account with your little brother/sister, friend from 100 miles away nor your great granddad in the mountains of Norway; sharing CAN have consequences for your account.

We advice that you do not give out your password, use third party software nor use untrusted service providers. Please keep your password safely secured. We will not unban users who are caught abusing our system, whether it was intended or not.

We will downgrade or stop accounts without prior notice. It is your
duty to change your password regularly and have one that is strong enough to resist easy bruteforcing (this means no 123456, qazwsx, your username [etc].)

Hint: Change your password as frequently as every 3 days if you want to stay on top of any issues.

@ all: New implementations on Thursday. When we find abuse on your account you will have ONE (1!) more chance to fix up or be downgraded.

This relates to the above; we do not permit account sharing. We do not permit users thinking it is OK to share with all their schoolfriends. We have stopped users from using an RDP (paying 39.99 + 9.99 for membership) with their 10 buddies. We WILL stop people who have been hacked and unintentionally getting abused.

It is your duty not to download screensavers that promise you heaven on earth. It is your duty to change your password frequently. It is also your duty to have a strong password. It is also your duty to install the necessary antivirus and anti-malware programs in order to stay clean.

@ usneek: You're a moron. You haven't pm'd me. You come with uncertified claims. Want to keep this public; give me your username and I'll happily tell you why you have been downgraded or disabled.
Who is talking about sharing the account?

My only problem was having a dedicated server to download from your servers. ONLY USED BY ME, SO SHOW ME HOW I SHARE MY ACCOUNT.

And BTW, how are you going to know if people is sharing their accounts when they have dynamic ip?.
Because if you detect that someone is downloading from two ips at the same I understand, but if someone downloads from different ips at different times you just block their ips, dont waste the time to think that maybe that person is in a shitty connection with dynamic ip address (as here in Spain).

PS: See Ricky, I too know how to write in capitals.
Hey smartass,

Read the above comment. Your dynamic IP bullshit doesn't tread any water.

Do you disconnect from your net 5x a day? If so, you should try to find another ISP.
BTW Ricky, as I have more education than you, I will not call you names, and yes m8, I have written to you, here is the full message:

Originally Posted by usneek
Hi Ricky, I have just landed in this forum because jdownloader send me here to fix my unknown landing error.

I had this error for three weeks now (you can see the messages I sent to fileserve customer support without a satisfactory answer or with no answer at all).

I have a dispute open in paypal because since my date of recurrent payment (november 9th) my account was blocked and I wasn´t able to download anything from my dedicated server with ip 46. and fileserve user usneek

I have not been able to download a single file in all this month (and today is 22 of november) and as you could understand it doesnt work for me, if you unblocked my account and apologize, I want the same amount of time I have the account blocked added to my subscription.

Please if you can help let me know, cause the customer support at fileserve is the worst one I have seen in all my life. Three weeks and only two answers, the first after one week to say that they have recieve my mail and are working on the problem, and a mail one week later to say that my problem was fixed, when it wasnt (same unknown landing error), and since then nothing.

If fileserver unblock my account and added the same weeks I have been blocked to my account, I will cancel the dispute in paypal and keep being your client.
If not, I will loose only 9,9 euros but I will speak really bad about fileserve in all the forums I know (I will only speak the truth about your service towards me) and believe me, having so much options I am sure I could convince some people to go with another file hoster.


You're not an affiliate and you're using an RDP.

That could either mean:
-You take files and reupload them to a competitor
-You take files and let your friends download from this RDP

It can't mean anything else besides that.
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As you can read in my messages I am not telling that I have the problem of dynamic ip address, I say that you blocked my account because I used a dedicated server to download.

Man, you really CANT read. I think I understand better your language (being spanish and all) than you

And is ok, if you block accounts for using dedicated servers, just tell that in your fileserve web as does alldebrid, dont lie to people
hey RickyFs
i made another account
and paid for premium(ZATOX5)
please let me use your services
i was very happy with you before
i will do my best to avoid problems
@ Usneek:
Cableuropa S.A.U.
On "" connection

Sitting on RDP:

Home connection would have maxed out.

Usneek got other intentions since he rented a $19.99+ server and bought a premium membership for 9.99 - Can't just be downloading to your homeline can you?

We didn't ban your server. People can still use it if they're an affiliate. You're not, so please elaborate to the crowd what you're using this server for since your homeconnection is fine and can download from us.

@ boogie123: 60 days because we can afford the servers. Others can't.
No man, the server costs 199 euros plus taxes, I use it to host webs, but as they generate little bandwith I use the server to download too.

This is the one, if you were wondering.

And as I said before Ricky, I could use this server for whatever I want, just tell the people the truth:


Is ok, but only if you let know possible customers, before paying for your services, because if that was the case, I would have go to other fie hoster and never had the problem.

And BTW, how many months have I been your customer, 5-6, and until this last not a single problem.

Maybe that says that you are in problems and cancelling accounts that download at 100 mbits?
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Thanks RickyFS


I just pm'ed RickyFS and he has been very helpful and informative!!! All you guys either don't know what you are talking about or don't have the patience to ask RickyFS and wait for a reply!! As i said before this is the first and hopefull last time i have had a problem with Fileserve, and i intend to stay with them for the forseeable future!!

Once Again thanks alot RickyFS for all the help!!!
@ usneek: So there you go. 199 EUR and you use it to download with when your max speed can already be performed by downloading from us directly. You still need to transfer from your server => homeline.

We allow use for dedicated servers as long as it's for affiliates with a purpose. You serve no purpose besides having a dedicated server that you can run a service off of. How successful you are in doing this depends just on how good you are at marketing. That I won't comment on since you seem to be one heck of a smartass.

This is my last comment to you. Any other subjective opinions negatively expressed towards the service will be reported as my support to you has "expired". Thanks and have a good day.

PS. you can still download from home ;)
Thanks, that was what I want to hear, that you do not allow dedicated servers as your customers. It wasnt so hard.

Although you didnt understand fully my message as I said that I am not paying 200 euros for the server just to download from you (how pompous of you to believe that) but anyway you can buy something pretty with the 9,99 euros you stole from me this month.

Has been a pleasure talking with you, and of course I will speak freely anytime I have the oportunity about your policy against dedicated servers.

Cheers man
@ usneek: Yes, sorry to burst your bubble and your business in providing "free" leech for your users. Have a good day and don't let the door slam you on your way out.

PS. You never elaborated why you need to download to your server first. Says more about you than it does about our policy which has figured you out from a mile.
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