FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Can someone give me info about blocked accounts for using jdownloader?
for example i open and account and sharing files. is my account can bloke, if someone uses jdownloader?
Bloqued account fileserve

Hi, Im Spanish, in my Jdownloader appear a problem, it said I had my account bloqued, and I dont know why, my username is alex13conil
They say contact with Ricky FS, I hope an answer as soon as possible,

error 612

RickyFS friend that the problem with OVH?, Pasdaran week if you could unlock a companion ip of my website, which also had it in OVH, and this week you ask me the same favor to my friend and he said can not be unlocked?? I wonder, just out of curiosity what is the problem, and this last week if not??? How strange not?? We will have to terminate that account, there is no other solution, be paying a thing not to use it to your liking???

Thanks for everything anyway.

A greeting.
Don't use JDownloader then. Use Fileserve Manager. If you're on MAC then use iGetter. The only reason why you guys gets done over is because JDownloader doesn't give a rats arse.
just want to know

to all... fileserve is not a scam, please stop with this stupid claims, rickyfs you are doing great job here, just continue...regards:)

I haven't say it is a scam, i just want to know if i must wait (because over quota for ex) or if i have to go to hell

Ricky ask me if i have ovh for provider (the response is No) and since this question, nothing has changed...

@RickyFs: just send me by PM if i muste wait or not Thx

My account got blocked. I think it was because I turn on my personal VPN to bypass my ISP.

My ISP is TMNet and is limiting fileserve users download speed recently so in order to download faster I have to turn on the personal VPN.

That is when I got the message telling me that my account is blocked.

Kindly help me to unblock it, thanks.
Fileserve Manager = spyware

Don't use JDownloader then. Use Fileserve Manager. If you're on MAC then use iGetter. The only reason why you guys gets done over is because JDownloader doesn't give a rats arse.

Jdownloader is much better than Fileserve Manager. Fileserve Manager is just crap. It's full of bugs and doesn't support most filehosters. You can't force people to use it and refuse support if they don't.

Fileserve Manager also collects the following information without notice:
- Username (Windows login)
- System drive model and serial number (HDSLN)
- Network adapter's physical address (MAC)

This information is transmitted without encryption to this page:

I'm sure you can you tell us why, RickyFS ? 8-)
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