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  1. M

    FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

    why the hell is remote upload from filesonic blocked??
  2. M

    last payment received but im still pissed off...
  3. M

    FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

    Remote Upload from Wupload doesnt work since Tuesday. Please do somethin!
  4. M

    what the hell is this: i have uploaded file but it has been removed after 5 seconds.
  5. M

    Do something with download speed, its so damn sloww...
  6. M

    ftp upload goes nice lately, keep it up!
  7. M

    thanks, then im cool :)
  8. M

    I got one question about files storage time. I know that wupload delete files after 30 days for free users. But what with my older files when i bought premium just this week? Will they get deleted cause when i upped them i was free user or they are protected because im premium now?
  9. M

    upload via ftp doesnt work AGAIN...
  10. M

    i just bought premium account today but im very disappointed with download speed. it goes around 70kB/s. u better fix it asap or people wont buy premium accounts in the future again.
  11. M

    problem solved, thanks.
  12. M

    payment problem hi all, wupload became my favorite site for uploading but i got one problem. last wednesday i dint get paid. now i have more than 40 dollars unpaid. this is the first week wupload didnt pay me. can anyone help me?? keep it up willy, youre doing a great job!