FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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When uploading via FTP it take life long for some file to get complete status from Pending. I have to delete it from Pending and again reupload to get it into file manager.
@ Snow: Does it show up as a Name.rar.complete in your FTP?

@ ryukenshine: No it is not available. In order to avoid deterioating the integrity of users and their files we have not allowed for such, but we want to built it, so it is all in fairness.
@ all:


I want some feedback on an up-and-coming feature for Remote Upload:

Currently we have in mind that people who wants to have their FS links up for grabs, will be able to do so via the tick of the box. If they don't tick this box any Premium members will be able to grab it.

What say you? Input your suggestions. Looking forward to hear your opinions and ideas. If they seem logical and they protect the integrity of the site and the users we will take them into consideration.

There is no way anyone is going to tick that box lol.
@ all: You can now "Like" and show it on Facebook for your friends:


In my case the introduction of captchas has affected my earning a lot. It was previously $6,7,8 range and for the past 3 days its $2.xx only.
Call me selfish. But I will never let others grab my links just like that. Reason being I actually make and effort to check what I'm uploading etc. They can download and re-upload by all means.

And I'm not down with the FS2FS idea. Hmm.
@RickyFS. Yes I can see file in Pending FTP Files. When I go there I can see files is there but it take long time sometime 10 mins sometime 30 mins to go to main file manager. When I cant wait I just choose to delete them from pending files and re-upload again. Its stucking problem for some files. If I upload 10 files 1-2 sometime stuck there I delete and re-upload it. Its wastes of data of my VPS.
What does this number mean? I noticed it today when I downloaded a file.
PS. A little delay in rename & stats right now. May get worse, but we will have it fixed within 10 hours or so.

@ Snow: ^ That's the issue.

@ MVS: Just displays in your FB that you like our site :)

Ricky bro i request they payout yesterday and it is still on pending status , its also take 3 days means monday to wednesday to approve ?
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