FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ axxo786: ?? It was ALWAYS like that. I can tell you 99% of the users will get paid tomorrow. There may be a few odd ones who needs a thorough checking.
FS File Manager got crazy now. Showing the wrong files. Recently uploaded files not shown in file manager for 10 mins then it shows for a mins and again its invisible. File counter is increasing and decreasing
FS File Manager got crazy now. Showing the wrong files. Recently uploaded files not shown in file manager for 10 mins then it shows for a mins and again its invisible. File counter is increasing and decreasing
+1 same problem. God knows when will it get stable!!

Could you pls spend 3 minutes fixing the filemanager?

In IE when you copy links with filenames, it adds the character for linebreak, but not in a usefull way.

If I copy/paste the selection into notepad, I get a bunch of files stitched together with the character for linebreak, but without actual linebreaks.

Nothing is wrong if I do the same without filenames.

Did you understand that, lol?

Did we mention that the filemanager has a 1-2 hour delay?
Yeah, we know - you are going to fix it today.
@ RiteshH: FS Free RL plugin would be the lowest on our priority list. We have much bigger fish to catch, e.g. not having delays in stats OR files.

When will the DMCA folder actually be cleaned....? Seems like it wasn't really done last time...... and it gets slower and slower when going on that folder. If you guys can't post the date in which the files were deleted, than at least send us an email.....

And it also looks like payments now, are not from Monday to Wednesday... They are on Wednesday...... LOL
Are you finished having a laugh?

All I hear is the vomit that you spew out every time there is an error of some sort. I don't hear the vomit spew every time the site is running smooth or your earnings are high enough for you not to bitch about (your little theory of delay => decrease in earnings = fail).
If you're unhappy with our service, please gently bugger off to another host. There's plenty of others to choose from who will probably listen to your whine, moan and noise pollution.

Alternatively, you could attempt to start your own file hosting.

@ humour: No..I got bloodsucker on an IM too. Same story repeats itself there, so whereever I go it'll be the same monotone tune ringing in my ear.
You don't see me kick off with anyone else, because they ASK genuine questions and don't ASSUME and STATE like they work next to Fileserve staff.
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