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Sorry, I believe that promising something and it not happening is a load of shit.

He said everything would be up and running by Thursday, if not Friday 100%, otherwise his customers would be fully refunded.

It's now Sunday.

And yes I do have a lawyer, and yes I really couldn't give a two shits if it's only $13, it's the concept that it's the law, and I'm pretty into all of that stuff.

If it was you, any of you you'd be pissed of when hosts are lying outright to you.

I gave him that 24 hours, it's been 38 now. I think that's bullshit, I'm only warning people not to buy from them.

Well i am sorry you all got burned by this shady webhost, But lawyer threats when you were likely running a warez linking site is just silly. No judge would award you any damages for an illegal website.

ontopic i think this shit host should be blacklisted as well after seeing how many here have been left hanging here with no refunds,backups or anything
Just so everyone knows clearly hosting is a virtual-item the chance of you actually geting a refund from PayPal is like %10

and i agree with you iMage,
iMage, a warez site was not hosted. It was a normal website that I own outright + the content.

DLow, he's already refunded me, but it'll take a few days to process. I'll wait until then, I still think all customers should be refunded, if it was my company I would've.
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