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So true Mausebein!

PPD working again, BUT -50% download count compared to yesterday and it's weekend. Sorry, but it's unrealistic as hell.

Also some people mentioned Website PPD isn't counting since yesterday.

Last but not least, it's dead silent from support. Strange things are happening here.
Very big apologies for this! Something really went wrong. Can you guys now watch it again for the next few hours?

We will start a compensation next week for this. We might have to postpone the new premium pay-per-download for another few weeks until everything is working as it should.

@Avatar500 are you by chance "samiruploader"? We have 3 more payouts open where it takes a little longer.
today is a sad day, from almost 40 yesterday to barely 15€ today :/ what a time to be alive :( you'll sort it out do you?

Should be working now. Please check.

But you guys have to know that the counts are done in a seperate database and that not everything is displayed in real time, but in couple of hours.
Proper Pay-Per-Sale compensation starting next week
We have had many complaints that sales are not being compensated properly. We have realized this and the behavior of the remuneration will be adjusted from next week.
now that you admit that PPS was not working as advertised, will you compensate the affiliate partners who used PPS since now?
For me it's a bit over a year using ddownload.
ddownload.com could please check my payout request aswell?
Normally i request the payout on Thursday evening but this time i did it on Friday evening maybe i missed the time window?

myusername is: wayyynex