Can you live without the Internet?

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Yup, it has become am inevitable part of our lives. I've been trying to avoid using it at all costs, but still end up using it in one way or the other. Thanks to the latest technologies that provides instant access to internet wherever you are.

My question is, can you really live without the internet in this modern era? If you do, would you feel alienated?

Or is it just about our self control that needs to be worked upon?
No i can't live without the internet. I communicate with it, watch movies, listen to music, work online so no. Also what is the use of a computer without an internet connection, just to play games, if there is no internet connection how can i download games to play. :P The world is a better place with the internet :)
Yup, it has become am inevitable part of our lives. I've been trying to avoid using it at all costs, but still end up using it in one way or the other. Thanks to the latest technologies that provides instant access to internet wherever you are.

My question is, can you really live without the internet in this modern era? If you do, would you feel alienated?

Or is it just about our self control that needs to be worked upon?

No. But I don't know if it is good or bad. I think, that the world is changing all the time and we have to keep up with this modern world.
living without internet

Well in this hustle and bustle world, nobody is able to live without internet. If it is so then one will feel living like in wild or gone back centuries ago in that jungle world. So the simple answer is a "no", we can't live without internet.
No it is Not Possible

No, it is Not Possible now as each everything depends on internet. Like you have book a movie ticket or a plane ticket. Even to buy groceries internet is used.
well, in July i travel to my country (Cuba) with my family and !!!!! I Survived without internet x 3 weeks !!!

YESSS is possible live without the Internet.. Lol
I forget what it was like back in the 80's and 90's. No phone,GPS,Internet....Having my own business I could not go without it...
Anyone know where I can download internet

want to try


When I was 14 I got 3 usb cables, male to female, connected them all together, attached to a garden bamboo stick, put the wireless adapter on the end of it and had a cut out metal sieve around it to increase signal and hung out of the upstairs window, I then loaded up backtrack 3 to crack WEP connections that I could pick up so I could have the internet as I was too young to buy internets, I also modified it to become waterproof too by selotaping a plastic carrier bag around the adapter, I even did this at the front bedroom of the house so all the neighbours could walk past and see.

No fucks given.

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