- 1 Gbps Windows VPS/RDA from $30/month ( NL, USA)

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@Jokerko , use cute ftp for better speeds. Always remember its the method using which u are uploading , that will make the difference ... its not the server issue.

U can goto task manager > Networking , so see how much bandwidth is being used, u will realize its not even close to 50%
So then it's okay, I thought that you have a much greater speed then me. I am uploading by FTP. ;)

And what is with server now? I cant login. :(

EDIT: Are we still banned to FileServe??
anyone have idea to make uploading to megauplaod is more faster in this server ?

are you the same person on wbb forum ? i'm big fan of your pc game upload :D
We do have full 2GigE speeds. We tested by uploading to many filehosts at once and we did reached 230MB/s. The problem some of you is that you think you'll get full 2GigE per connection upload or similar stuff. But the main reason why it's got 2GigE is to handle the amount of people on a server so that while someone is uploading, the others users will still have reasonable upload speeds.

About the FS, HF and MU slow uploads, so far I've notice that only FS gives upto full 1GigE speed for a single file upload but that was before the ban problem. About HF, I think they just don't allow that fast speeds per file upload from certain IP's, I'm not sure but this server is banned for HF premium downloading. And MU definitely limits the upload speeds for Desktop uploads. If you want faster upload, try their Remote Fetching feature (you need to be a premium user in this case).

@dede110 : I don't answer on MSN when I'm not on the computer, asleep or away lolz.
2GPS port for 35$ a month and FS and HF are unbanned right?
if yes then let mek now please
The server is connected to 2Gbps. Currently, FS and HF have banned us for premium downloading but I have alternatives for downloading from those filehosts. HF uploading is fine but for uploading to FS, you'll need to use CuteFTP, which is already installed on the server.
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