Shared - cPanel, 5GB space, 100GB Bandwidth from $2/month (Lithuania, USA)

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I am waiting since 5 Days for my refund! I have send you an Email, and you said that i will get refunded soon. So give me my Money back please! X-(
I am waiting since 5 Days for my refund! I have send you an Email, and you said that i will get refunded soon. So give me my Money back please! X-(
You were supposed to open a support ticket, which would have given us a priority and a fast response time.
You have been refunded fully. Sorry for the delay.

New webserver is freaking fast! Thank god I decided to stay with you guys.
Also, afait, you're the only company in WJ which has this web server for its shared hosting services.

Keep up the good work.

On your server(s), do you run PHP as CLI or CGI? In other words do you run suPHP? I kind of need to know this before signing up because I always run into file permission/ownership issues with certain scripts, and it all comes down to this factor.

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