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my download stats ddownload.com

another website
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In the first few days, the downloads of the two websites were similar, and in the next few days, ddownload was directly reduced to 2,000.

When will be fixed?
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When you say you've pinged the devs, are these internal devs or the devs @ sibsoft? What I'm trying to figure out is if this is an internal issue or a broader xfilesharing issue that would be affecting other hosts.

Since not everyone is affected, only certain users, please send all of you your Username and Email so we can have a deeper look in your Accounts. Thank you very much.

Perfect money is still working right? My payment is pending from 8/13

Sure! But in slight delay. In this coming monday all your open payments will be closed. I have asked.

My payment paypal is pending from 2022-08-22

Did you also got the Exchange Link? I still recommend everyone using another payment methods instead of PayPal.

Someone else getting upload errors? FTP connected but not working, Web Upload getting strange characters instead filenames...

Could you send me some error logs? Do you have some?
how can some users be affected and some not if all accounts should be set up the same without differences? i.e, all activated accounts should be affected if all accounts are treated the same.
Statistics are frozen?!

Hit an alltime low today without any reason.

FileCrypt tells me i've the same amount of downloaders as on every monday and i can also see that on the other host i use. But DDownload Downloads !-75%! today.

It began yesterday afternoon.

Pls take a look into that problem asap Alexander @ddownload.com . Thanks in advance. Cheers, JJ