SQUILLION.COM - PPS $6/$6, $9,$6 $12,$9 -$$500 bonus for 100 users in 30days

If i was using squillion.com i want

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  • Kept as they are because i get 3+ sales a day and will make more

    Votes: 21 12.9%
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    Votes: 23 14.1%

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It would seem paypal are now going to strictly require ALL file sharing sites they find to go through some pre approval.

Activities Requiring Approval
PayPal requires pre-approval to accept payments for certain services as set out in 5 above and detailed in the chart below.

Service Requiring Pre-Approval Contact Information
Airlines, scheduled or non-scheduled charters, jets, air taxi operators, collecting donations as a charity or non-profit organization; dealing in jewels, precious metals and stones; acting as a money transmitter or selling stored value cards; selling stocks, bonds, securities, options, futures (forex) or an investment interest in any entity or property; or providing escrow services. Please send contact information, business website URL and a brief business summary to [email]compliance@paypal.com[/email]

Offering online dating services;[COLOR="Red"] providing file sharing services [/COLOR]or access to newsgroups; or selling alcoholic beverages. Please send contact information, business website URL and brief business summary to aup@paypal.comMore Information


Squillions account has not been limited for anything dmca or adult related. Paypal seems to simply want much more stringent measures imposed for any filesharing sites that it finds. Once it locates a filesharing site (apparently just came across ours due to spike in turnover) its billing will be held on hold until it goes through a lot of examination. However for now it would seem we must accept that paypal's services are locked for an unknown period up to 180days with regard squillion and will be for all other filehosts that will not have gone through pre approval.

This is simply paypal procedure now, and if you are a filehost you will need to go through this, from the looks for the procedure it will be a lengthy and on going one. They had led us to believe that it was a simple review, however it would seem that any review now of a filehost will lead to a hold on funds until a pre-approval has been done. Those just starting to use PP without first going through this will soon be required to do so.

Even those only wishing to pay out via paypal will still have to meet these conditions if they have large revenue and need to pay out lots of funds, since they will need to show their business model during the review.

To get through pre -approval we have heard (not from paypal directly but other sources) that they will need access to all dmca records and have evidence of deletion, however that is just the begining of it. The other details we have heard go MUCH further still. There is also a new rule that an account holder have their account terminated after 1 dmca - so if you are letting other people upload things to your account then be sure they have the legal right to do so. Also some other new rules.

Although squillion was not found to be in breach of any specific paypal tos, it still has to go through the pre-approval and that is not something that an eta can be put upon this is not a simple task.

Along with this news, we heard now from other billing companies that much much tougher regulations will need to be met or visa/mastercard will be cut off also.

These new measures include access to dmca logs and access to account holder information that generates dmca reports, and the ability to demand termination on the spot these accounts. This is coming down from the top so i am guessing this is why paypal are implementing the same strict push into their pre-approval policy too right now.

We expect most filehosts will be without paypal in the coming days until they have gone through this new process too.

We will do our best as always to comply with all the new rules however for now i see a lot of disruption coming to the entire industry until all new measures are met.

We will be putting up alternative billing as soon as possible, but will understand if persons for their own sake need to move to new filehosts until this is in place.

Like i mentioned before we are already working on a transparent dmca removal system so that billing companies will be able to see exactly the entire dmca removal process in action and removal is taking place.

It is understood that for any kind of visa/mastercard billing filehosting sites will need to give almost complete transparency to the inner workings of their businesses at almost an admin level. If any filehost wants to continue billing with visa/mastercard it would seem they will soon need to comply with these things.

We have been accepted by a very large billing company but they have indeed very strict rules that have to be followed.

We will fully understand if persons need to move to other filehosts at this time until the issue is resolved.

We're sorry that it has come to this and we wish you all well whatever you decided.

I repeat again that all funds owed up until today will be paid out when Paypal realease the funds, they claim in upto 180days unless pre-approval can be met before of course.

I'm sorry that there in not better news i can give you all.
Claire-Parker, I think that in these conditions you must accept this agreement. Of course, you can dispense with Paypal, but if the same requirement put forward all billings, working with MastertCard\Visa, the choice remains. Those billings that do not pay attention to complaints of violation of DMCA not able to provide a steady income and the existence of a file hosting.

As you position yourself as a fully legitimate and transparent file hosting service, you should follow the example of Hotfile.сom, who has been working on such a scheme, and has no claims on the part of Paypal and other billing credit cards, as well as the owners (except for very inadequate).
Under this agreement, you need to block the accounts of partners, which receive many complaints DMСA and other requirements of owners that do Hotfile.com, Depositfiles.com and some other file hosting services.

In turn, Paypal and credit card billings should conclude with you a formal legal agreement, under which they have no right to block your account for the first unverified complaint without the full legal proceedings. You must demand that everyone who submits a complaint DMСA all official documents and irrefutable proof of such violation, and only then take action to remove the files, and other activities.
It is unacceptable to allow holders free to block all accounts that they want, because there are cases of abuse on their part, when the error files have been removed or disabled user accounts that do not violate DMСA!

If we accept someone else's harsh conditions, then the other party must comply with all rules and regulations strictly.

I wish you to resolve this issue quickly and move to a fully transparent and pure form of business, are actively developing and occupying a worthy place on a par with Hotfile.сom as soon as possible by paying earnings to all partners are not violating DMCA!
Yes it would be fair to let squillion work and accept payments while it is "under review" whatever that means and take so long days and weeks but i now see that paypal blocked accepting payments with message "This recipient is currently unable to receive money" and since sqillion have only paypal option it is unfair to to that. How to work if you block accepting payments ?

Question is when will paypal let you continue working .. will there be any new payment proccessor ... it would be enough some credit card processor since all people today have credit cards.. also des this means we lost rebills and refferals?
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Agin having same problems, when try to download my own files i get error
"You have reached the download-limit: 102400000 Mb for last 1 days"
And i didnt download 1 single MB

@Claire-Parker Please reply to PM
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Is this mean there is no more up to 10 business days of waiting? There will be no pay out of atleast 180days or forever? I'm kinda liltle bit of confuse here.
Yes it would be fair to let squillion work and accept payments while it is "under review" whatever that means and take so long days and weeks but i now see that paypal blocked accepting payments with message "This recipient is currently unable to receive money" and since sqillion have only paypal option it is unfair to to that.

Squillion aren't under review, they have been terminated in my opinion, It's game over from what I can see. Their funds are now frozen for 180 days so they can't withdraw or transfer those funds anywhere.
180 days waiting time...thats not a good news..... if you dont want to loose uploaders, than I think you have to find another payement methods, because 180 days is a long time. I hope you find a way and we all be happy :)
squillion try to add credit card payement or try hipay, and open another account in paypal and payza to pay uploader. look to rapidgator they do it :)

impossible is nothing
squillion try to add credit card payement or try hipay, and open another account in paypal and payza to pay uploader. look to rapidgator they do it :)

impossible is nothing

uploadhero.com official filehost of the big french warez and they offer hipay as payment

Stop writing bullshit please. Uploadhero work with rentabiliweb (concurent of hipay) and paypal.

And hipay which belongs to himedia don't work with filehost. Why? Because like ccbill , himedia work with porn webmaster , particularly in France with allopass ! Indeed allopass is also a firm of Himedia like hipay !

Maybe (i don't think) some filehost work with hipay but even if it would be the case , Hipay will soon cancel their partnership.

"Impossible is nothing?" No comment !
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Squillion aren't under review, they have been terminated in my opinion, It's game over from what I can see. Their funds are now frozen for 180 days so they can't withdraw or transfer those funds anywhere.

No funds can be withdrawn nor payments made until a pre approval completed. So it is correct that if pre approval can't be completed the account will never be reactivated and the 180 period is correct.

Pre - approval will require almost total transparency, we will now implement measures to ensure persons like mr king can no longer try to raise legal queries against the company. HOWEVER according to paypal DIRECTLY they found no legal reason nor any other reason to halt the account other than non completion of pre-approval. We have already started consultation with the http://www.cssf.lu and http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk to ensure that paypal will give us a fair chance to complete pre - approval in a timely manner.

Let me add this too - it was confirmed to the directors that information from 3rd parties such as R king can be taken under consideration as it can from any member of the public. However information regarding an individuals or business account at paypal is strictly confidential so no information is given out at all. There is no such thing as working with paypal you can submit information regarding abuse of the paypal tos, there is no discussion or co operation in any other form.

have you guys had a conversation with paypal regarding on when is the nearest possible time to get a "final" decision from them?

Count on it being 180 days really, since they are being very unclear about the pre acceptance plan - it looks simple on the page


scroll down

however it seems to get through it the measures are very very strict and also they have given no time scale. We think they simply are trying to push all file sharing off of paypal no matter if the file host is legally compliant or other wise.

when paypal will Release Squlllion......................????????????????????????

see above


Of course they are working towards new billing methods however rushing to put out these little companies that do not really understand this business and drop you at the first dmca report or illegally uploaded content are pointless since they just waste time and they will hold your funds. So no point working for nothing guys, we want to slap on new solutions but if you lose more funds for another 180days then perhaps you will wish we took more time to find a better solution. We understand waiting for this though is not possible for you though even if it is just 1 week it will be a wasted week of earnings so yes for now we must suggest sadly for us you should seek other hosting with stable billing for now. :( Those offering pp only are probably not a great move.

These new billing services need to understand fully our business and how to react to dmca notifications and abuse notifications. They need to clearly understand so long as we have a transparent system for them to check we are deleting upon notification and unholding our TOS they have no problem. We have to develop a system where they can check all dmca and check the files are gone within 24hours or less, they may even demand the power of admin in some cases.

Password rar files are causing a lot of problems because ppl are hiding inside them things that should not be there, these are against our TOS and We are now working on something to stop this issue too.

The passworded rar in itself is not a problem, however there will always be people using this to cause problems and spoil things for other people.

Since the issue of child abusive material has been brought to light we need to take every possible measure to discourage and punish those spoiling the service with that kind of thing. If anyone knows of persons whom are involved with this kind of thing please report it to us at once it is your legal and moral duty. We have suspended some accounts but as yet can not confirm the material they have is of this nature because again these are rar files with password protection.

If you find your account is suspended, then make sure to contact us and we will require rar passwords to inspect your content. If it is found to contain this kind of material then we will report it to the authorities. There is no place for this on our service nor anywhere.

This very serious issue must be comprehensively dealth with and ways found to prohit this material being proliferated across the net via our service.

Billing is obviously in our interest and in your own, and will be brought online as soon as a stable and secure relationship can be made.

We will make them fully aware of the current spotlight upon filesharing and ensure they have the tools with regard our site to take a firm but fully legal stance against those reporting illegal material that has been wrongly (against TOS) uploaded to our service.

These billing companies are failing to understand that the legal responsibility falls upon us to clearly spell out our TOS to all users and make it clear to them they must abide by this to use the service, and also to directly and clearly uphold it.

The mere fact that material clearly prohibited within our TOS is found on our service is not reason enough to assume the company is legally accountable or punishable unless it has been reported and is still there 72hours later. We aim to delete within 24 hours.

So in summary, billing will be here shortly but in the mean while if you wish to move to another file host then we will fully understand and even think it to be a wise move for yourselves personally since it could be a week or more until a new stable solution is found. :(

The funds you are owed will be paid upon paypal release, and we are working to get new stable billing and a system in place that will enable us to go forward without out worrying about the billing closing down every few days. However if paypal holds your funds for 180 days then that will be when you get them. We are applying all legal pressure we can but they are not a small company and it is possible they will not yield until ready.

thanks and good luck to everyone in the future, some i hope to speak to again once we are back to full power, some i know will leave and perhaps won't come back. Never the less as i said before it has been a real real pleasure working with many of you and all the best :)

I will remain here as support but please understand that the PM box is actually getting full even though i clean it daily so i can take some time to respond.

I will update with any news when it is made available to me.


Added after 17 minutes:

So long as a single porn file, pirate software file or pirate movie exists on your servers then hell will freeze over before you get approved. >.>

You are quite wrong actually, paypal confirmed this is nothing to do with the issue, hence why some filehosts like hotfile, rapidshare are already passed and using paypal . They will simply require admin power to see all dmca nofications and file deletion logs. Unless perhaps they have not 1 single file of the nature you mention...either that or hell has frozen over.....or perhaps you are wrong? i wonder which is the most likely

You want to sound important sadly you are not. Paypal has been gradually closing filehosts down for quite some time, and many that are not on your silly little blogs.

Paypal were more than eager to dispel any notion that they are working along side a person from the porn industry in any shape or form. When Robert king - aka adult king from gfy board was mentioned they stated firmly that whilst information is able to flow inward from any person including yourself. There is no such thing as 2 way information flow. Your suggestion that paypal is cooperating with you in some way and discussing any details regarding personal or business accounts was strongly refuted.

He is able to do nothing more than any other individual on this board or anyone else upon this planet. He can find illegal material and report it that is it. Anyone can do this.

That is it, there is nothing special or important about this person so spare him no extra thought.
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If all our uploads are in rar files protected with password??How will they check Illegal files?Will they have a big surprize?Or we will have a surprize and accounts suspended? :D
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