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I see many posts about 'wu to wu' but Willy is ignoring those, that says something about that feature...

I am not ignoring these posts, Mbb. My apologies for not commenting on it immediately.

Due to the massive RU queue, we are facing issues with Wu 2 Wu, which, yes, we are also working on.

My apologies for the inconvenience!


Just wanna know if I can still see the number of sales of my files even if I am in Plan A?

Yes, you can, robinramos!

Hey willy , why you don't reply back to the bonus replies .. you should extend our accounts or give us 50 % bonus of the payout .. dunno something like that :S
If you're going to allow WU to WU why not do what other sites like RS\MU do and let people copy the files to their account instead?
now i have the same situation as you MSL6600 .. old files that i have uploaded long time ago and they weren't uploaded .. are now in my file manager list lol
For all you whining about wanting something extra because you're losing money (money you didn't even earn yet) think about what wupload is losing when their users aren't able to upload and spread links around, when their employees are likely working overtime just to resolve this situation.

Don't you think that maybe wupload is losing enough already without you begging for handouts and extra incentives just because you aren't able to upload for one measly day?
Indeed im trying wupload out to see if it can keep going good for a few months, so $12 for 3 months is not much lol. Normally its 35 but with trade in points only 12
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