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No matter how many times i change my Payment Info, it doesn't get changed. And over that, I requested a payout, i just hope it doesnt go in to my PP, coz then i'll be doomed

RU Problem
Hi, DarkAcid!

For more information on reporting DMCA complaints on Wupload, please see here:

When a file is deleted for DMCA violation, you receive an e-mail and you will see the files show up in your "REMOVED" tab under "MY FILES"!


you dont understand me fine, the thing is about when a "folder" is deleted.... when this happens i recive some advice? in the removed list or throught an email?

Thanks, for your great work.
Please remove the wupload -> wupload remote. If not, let the original uploader get 60% of the $$$ from those cheapskates.

Hmm ... wupload to wupload remote is very useful. Don't remove that.
Willy , i read somewhere .that all files for free user get deleted after 30 days even the ones that are active .
is that true??

Dats too bad if it is.
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