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will these bonus payouts be paid on wednesday(about 2 days from now) or next wednesday payout?

As long as you request them before payout on Wednesday, you will receive them on Wednesday!



Why 25% bonus need to be 50%

Yes, this was a typo, piratsko!

Take a look now - it's been fixed ;)

hello willy still the search future is not working for me please guide me

i have tired by using firefox and chrome browser but nothing happens

my first question


your reply answer to me


please help me buddy

Hey, rakesh!

Take a look now! I just searched for a file using "Search All Folders" and it found it perfectly!


My speeds as a free user


Hey, adrunkenmess!

We've had an incredible increase in traffic so we are working right now to alleviate these speeds.

Thank you for your patience while we work through these!


where do you live? I have a premium and I get slower speeds than your free speeds.

also FTP isn't working.

Hey, bubawuba!

We are aware of the FTP issue and are currently working to alleviate it!

Thank you for your patience and understanding!


Hi Willy!
Just requested my extra 50% bonus (it shows 25% in the popup window but the amount is, of course, correct), thanks a lot!!!
Also thanks for implementing file size always visible in the File Manager section, it's so handy!!!

Best regards and keep up the good work in this double-payout-10-days!!!


EDIT: I can confirm that, with the latest update JDownloader decrypts WU folders automatically without the need of a deep decryption! Click the update button in your JD and enjoy!!!

Hey, AtaruZ!

Yes, we've implemented the Filesize in filemanager as well as SEARCH ALL FOLDERS!

Happy to hear that with Jdownloader things are working like a charm!


My promos are seen in the stats section but they are not added in the earnings section (Unpaid in USD) Anything wrong?

ID : 23361

Hey, sharp!

Have you requested them?


I cant find Bonus button request on My Earnings, anyone please capture screen for me please or give me link to this :(

Here you go, ladykiller!


yep!!ftp down, yet again :facepalm:..gonna try web upload, then remote upload...if that fails, i'm gonna have a major breakdown X-( i'm liking wupload, but, the frequency this keeps happening is very frustrating :O

Hey, kram!

As we are about 2 months old and have been growing at an incredible rate, some technical difficulties are to be expected.

Apologies for any inconvenience or frustrations you face while we fix these issues!

^ I really didn't see an issue with 425kbps for a free user, I get around 1mb as a premium, same as I do with fs, fsc, and mu. I think anything around 400+ is good for free users, it's fast enough to download a big file, but still not too fast that it will deter the user from buying a premium acct.
right now i requested the payout bonus. it's my first time and the system says that i have recived 25%...

Hey, Hoolifan!

This was a typo which has now been fixed.

You'll notice that the calculated promo was correct ;)


remote upload not working
all the files display in Queue

Hey, colie!

We're processing an incredible amount of files right now, so there are delays in RU.

We are working on alleviating the bottleneck right now!

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

1.filter using click button instead of select box in my file not working well...always not update result..
2. detail of file download and earning count should display in new page, usually long list...
3. attach filename to download link and single button to copy multiple selected link feature is missing.

Hey, peterlo!

Thanks for the feedback!

For number 1, what browser are you using? I'm using Chrome and haven't faced this issue.

For 2, that is a good suggestion which we will take into account for our very active affiliates.

And 3, if you select a file and click the "SHARE" button (last on the right, above the link box), you will get many options of how to generate your links!

Well when they do this kind of promo, they should have anticipated the outcome. In fact 20 servers are not enough. Some users will RU TeraBytes of files since money is their ONLY objective. Ultimately, it's up to Wupload to add more servers.

Hey, kennt!

We're constantly adding new servers - and I believe that my earlier message was misunderstood - these were EXTRA servers.


well, just tried ru & web joy :facepalm: ftp was working, got 2 of my files to about 40%, then connection failed, restarted, then failed, restarted..blah! blah!<_< this whent on for about 10 mins, each time the files were going up[very slowly]..then, BAM!!! connection lost!! and proceded with the uploads from scratch[0%]:s then did as above again...GGGEEEZZZZ!!!!X-(
this is getting to be every other day now:( i know there's gonna be teething troubles, but, it looks like this "SUMMER SIZZLER" is turning into a summer washout 8-)..sorry, willy, i don't meen to be critical, but it gets extremely frustrating when none of the upload options work, at least for a majority of people anyway :O. i'm in the uk btw, doubt that makes any difference though..;). i'm deffinatly a fan of wupload, and want desperately for it to work, but, it feels like we're banging our heads against a brick wall X-(

Hey, kram!

No worries, criticism is always welcome and I have thick skin so there are no tears being shed over your input ;)

i'm try to RU from my RL.6 hours gone but still i see In Queue and also if i upload in my RL i can't see that file on my file manager.Any solution?
Hey willy, the bonus that we were able to request since midnight, from 11-20 june, will it be paid with tomorrow's payout or only next week?

And can you add a checkbox (like filesonic has) in the search function, to let us choose wether we want to search all folders or not?

hi willy thanks for your support buddy

now search feature is working thanks for you feedback

your answer quote to me just for reference only

I believe Willy will only come here once his tech department sorts this thing out. Wwatch a movie or two instead of refreshing this thread every second. ;-)

I don't hide from technical issues :))

We're working on alleviating these issues right now!


Where is Willy ??? Is WUpload SCAM !!! Fuck that !!! Shit


I think the payouts speak otherwise ;)

But thanks for your input.



How can a file have 10 downloads, and then become suddenly unavailable? Not removed, but unavailable.

Hey, NorthernSoul!

I'm looking into this right now!


WB Willy when FTP will be fixed?

We're working on it right now, Hidekii!


remote upload not work?

Is it only at me or everybody have this problem?

Hey, Korisnik!

Take a look back a few pages - there is a bottleneck right now in processing the huge amount of files which are in RU!

We're working on alleviating it right now!


FTP dead :(

Also , Willy please check PM !


I will get to your PM.


Hey willy, the bonus that we were able to request since midnight, from 11-20 june, will it be paid with tomorrow's payout or only next week?

And can you add a checkbox (like filesonic has) in the search function, to let us choose wether we want to search all folders or not?

Hey, BloodSucker!

If you request your payout today you will get it with tomorrow's payout!

And as for the search function - I will add that to the list of suggestions!


Added after 4 minutes:

Now that my 2 brain cells have had time to process my thoughts - The file's fine, it's the server and just show patience and it'll fix itself...?

Hey, Northern!

I asked our IT team to look into it and they said this file has been deleted by user!

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