WTF does YOUR username mean and how the hell did you come up with it?!

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My name is WebKobra, I made it up because it sounds cool. It is close to Cobra, and I love cobras. Web is for the web version of me. Cobra is my airsoft/paintball nickname. :D
mr because im a guy and sandvik because its my last name.. simple..

but i've been using other names to.. "godCoolio", just because I thought it looked nice for some reasons :|

And I have used "mongoklomp" for many years, mongo because im a mongo and klomp because im a klomp.... yeah, thats so simple to... and ive used "maxima" to.. i just stoled it from google :|

Lol MrSandvik, this whole time I thought that nick is actually Mrs. and Vik :))

Anyway, my nick is my actual middle name. I had so many other nick I used on different forum though. But right now I'll stick with either Aira or Chobot ( because I admire Jessica Chobot =) ).
Dean - nickname
2k - chose to have k instead of a number as the year changes xD
First made it back in like 07/08 and just used it since.
fdls4all means something like free download source 4 all...

Some time back I was crazy of this thing called Free Websites and all and i didnt knw what user name to use each time i make one... This was copied form a site named :P
I sticked to this for quite some time and I am like addicted to this username and can't find anything new :P
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