Shared - cPanel, 10GB Space, Unlimited Bandwidth from $1.35/month(France)

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Ok, we will wait.

But plz seriously consider to find a way for resolving this issue, since I started using ur service, there are too much downtimes during this period, that is really not acceptable by webmasters, seriously.

What about the hostbill thing?When could we not to face so much downtimes anymore?
My site also down... im hosting legal site with you so if i can make a suggestion that you seperate warez and non warez sites on different server.
Plz kindly check my ticket:

Added after 16 minutes:

Is Nick online or not? You can't just reply my ticket says:
I understand your position.

Hope you can see ours too. We can only meet your service level with an upgrade.

There we decide to terminate your account in 8 hours time, you can make back up.
After this we will refund you.

Good luck with all business in the future.
In fact that the site is still down including the cPanel and FTP, so how could I backup my site during this 8 hours? It is 1:21 AM in my time-zone, how could I login within 8 hours to backup my site as I even don't know when the server will back? I can't just sitting here and wait untill the the sun rises. If you guys just leave me like this, that is seriously unprofessional.

And as I said, if you are going to install hostbill and will give it a try, I would like to stay with you guys cuz you are a team work and repone us very quickly, I fully respect your team and your work. But if you are only going to shut down the Shared hosting plans completely, then plz let me know and I will request for cancel the service and get the refound.
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same here, more than 10 hours and 3 times in this week X-(

and this them answer

True high upload of other users at shared this happens. The only solution is to order your own server VPS or Dedicated and you will not have this problem anymore.
If you have your onw space/server you are not depending and sharing a server with other clients. We can not control the high uploads only monitor and fix.

This means with a little extra investment you have the result you need and you will not be down.
And more than 8 hours now, my site is still offline, so does their support, no ticket answers, no replies here either, only lefting us with all full of ????? in our mind, if other guys will say, it is just only 8 hours and give them a little bit more time for fixing the issue, then I need to ask, are they really fixing the problem? It is not the first day have this issue, but during all period when I started to use their service.

I saw staffs said several days ago that they are going to install hostbill to monitor the high load and it will suspend accounts which cuz high CPU load, but till now, is hostbill working or been installed? Maybe it is installed but still can't resolve the issue, maybe...

If you can hold your business, can keep your word with things you promised us such like "99.95% Uptime Guarantee" then plz respect your clients here, at least leave info about what are you guys doing now with this situation. it is seriously your responsibility to have the server running smoothly, finding the abusers and suspend them so that others could get normal service, but not like this asking us to upgrade to VPS in order to not be bothered with the high loaders, we fully understand your situations but plz also consider ours, you really can't just left me the msg with

I understand your position.

Hope you can see ours too. We can only meet your service level with an upgrade.

There we decide to terminate your account in 8 hours time, you can make back up.
After this we will refund you.

Good luck with all business in the future.
then you runed away with more than 8 hours and nothing left even the server is still down how could I backup my site? Is that professional and has sense of responsibility?

Do not want to complaint, we do respect you guys with full patient and hopes to wait here, but what we got at last?
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