Wjunction traffic decrease?

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drive your bikes, cars and trams to the WJ Headquarters - increase the traffic :) lol

Enjoy the existence of WJ - Its a free community - if it started to charge people then you may have a point in moaning, build your own legacy on here and leave it for others to carry on. Dont let anyone put you off from coming on here.
@ Smith, why did you recognize yourself among trolls and scammers? :O
Not aimed at you man, I am aware of your contribution.

I may have got it the wrong way as you've said those who complain, but I'm not really complaining, just saying. So whatever lol.
I've always said money ruined the internet. this thread is a perfect example.

What happened to just helping people because they had the same interests as you. Almost all the people in this thread are complaining because they cant sell a service or make dodgey deals.
When did this thread come to be about previously banned members coming here whining about being banned? I thought it was a discussion on how we could improve Wjunction, and not a "boohoo some moderator banned me for a silly reason, im unbanned now, but im still going to complain about it anyway"
No the point is all the staff posts are like we dont wanna improve we are good the way we are.. dont like WJ get lost from here. This is the exact thing I am talking about. You guys are not at all open to suggestion.

Take it from me if you need to bring back in quality you need to restructure the rules and the admins should give some tips to the mods.
I dont know, from what i have read in the rules its pretty standard really. I do agree however some of the moderation needs some tweaking, as i have seen some things i dont agree with in certain situations, banning over personal beef for example. One suggestion i had made to the staff in the chatbox, and i think in a thread was for them (the mods) to instead of putting just "read the rules" when closing a thread, to actually explain why the thread was closed, just seems common sense, and only takes a few extra seconds to type an extra line, and a paste a link to the rules,they did add tht moderated message addon to the forum, may as well use it for more then 3 words
^ About that "read the rules" part, while the suggestion could (would) help the effected user(s), telling them to read the rules without any specification kinda makes sure (helps) that they read the entire rules and figure out which one they broke.

When you tell them to fix the title (for example), they just read the title rules and fix it. Tomorrow, they break another rule...etc.
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Agreed RT, but you could put a link to the rules page as well, 9 time out of 10 they are going to click a link if posted, can still ask they read the rules, but there is several, so if would be easier to point out which they are breaking and ask them to have a look at the rules.

In registration there is some VB mod or something to have members read all the rules and agree before being allowed to even view the forums as well is there not? I havent actually even seen the registration page in yrs lol
I'm surprised that there aren't a lot of currently banned members in this topic.

Staff overstep their boundaries. Their job is to help, not criticise, moan, harrass, and put down ideas or members. If the site wants to make a serious push at being a legit webmaster hang out, that kind of crap needs to be cut out. Is a smart ass rebuttal really needed? No. Close or delete a thread, ban a member, and go on. You don't need the last word.

The amount of hypocrisy here is humourous. I don't usually mind it, but the constant slamming of members has changed my mind. Trolling is ok, but the level at which staff does it is ridiculous.

I'm sure I'll see a reply along the lines of: Cry moar. Get the fuck out. You're an idiot.

Learn to accept criticism.

Also, "People leave and they aren't missed." -- paraphrasing. What a horrible way of looking at things and showing gratitude. No wonder most of the content here is requests for help, and so little of it is actual help.
There are quite a few of them rules, if you think linking to the rules page would help, then sure, I'll be doing that.

Oh, and that VB mod, I've seen it on a couple of forums, but I've never read the rules posted. I just scroll down, wait for the timer to finish and click continue. lol I'm sure I'm not the only one either.
Ya with that mod i agree thats what most people do, but ya i think maybe adding a link to the rules, along with which has been broken might be a good help, especially for new members having poor english, better to help them then to outcast them honestly, not saying you do RT, i have known you a long time and you are def one of the better part of the staff team here

Probably Rules title should be flashy, and shiny animated arrows go around Wjunction rules. Maybe some sound reminder too?
iMage, no one should babysit users, it's not moderators job to guide every user by his hand to the rules he BROKE. It's up to user to READ THE RULES BEFORE making a post. If he choose to NOT READ them, he's putting his ass on the edge.

We are spinning here around, you should stop passing the burden on moderators, that somehow, it's their job to babysit anyone here.

When you enter someone's house, you don't put your foots on his table, waiting for him to tell you it's not good thing to do. More idiotic, that people do, after they are being told to not put their foots, they dare to complain.
What would you do with him, if he does that in your house? Leave him, or trash him out?
And why would you not be nice to new members, or even old? And make it feel like a community instead of robotic replys from the staff such as just "read the rules". I guess if thats what you prefer well ok, but there is alot of moderators here, and honestly it takes only a second to add a link to a thread, see watch this....

Thread has been closed due to [rule violation], please visit the rules page here http://www.wjunction.com/2-news-announcements/announcement4.htm

That wasnt very hard
2 main reasons why the traffic on this forum has decreased

To many tic tacky rules

Mods a few are power hungry they will ban without sending you a pm first because banning someone is much easier. A few mods wiill close a threads because the mods does not like the thread. A few of the mods here doing the things they od if they were mods on other forums do the same crap they would get banned. I think it is time for a few more mods.

Another thing I do not like is when a mods closes a threads and tells to read the rules they never tell you which rule you broke they should state which rule you broke and post a link to the rules
Because user is supposed to read them, when he joins here. You are doing it again. Rules didn't magically appeared after user made a post, they were there to be read whole time.
You are trying to make an argument, not starting your observation from the beginning, but from the middle. It's not about something being hard or not, it's about useless things that mod have to do instead of user, which makes his job harder.
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