- Highest Paying network around $65/1000 downloads (Official)

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My payment say error 505, whaT is this?, and lost my all files and now this? usershare no payment

My nick : rufo 178
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no response from is the service really exist? i doubt it!
yes it does lol, they are really busy the email servers are back so they have alot of back log.Please email again sir.

Added after 16 minutes:

I bought premium yesterday...but I'm a free user lol
You were replied to in the PM sent

My payment say error 505, whaT is this?, y lost my all files and now this? no payment

My nick : rufo 178
new payment server error, were fixing it
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We are working on the error

You have to be a premium to enable or disable account security

i didn't get the mail to DISABLE account security.. so i enabled it and indeed i'm a premium.. btw the mail to disable security are arrived.. but 5 hours after i ask them..
Ok, now I'm premium. But I go in my account the avaible plan download...put password confirmation and then save...but download selection erase everytime...

Added after 1 55 minutes:

RU don't work
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Before the technical assistace have treated me like I'm the only fool who is not capable of running RU, but it seems that also other people have problem with RU, just read a few posts to realize....
P.S. Don't reported that the assistance is online, then you don't answer...
I requested 500$ last week,

Your account was banned by administrator.

Waiting for reply from

Ok that's really reassuring...the support doesn't respond to mails, the assistance are rude and in most cases unprepared, and if you earn a tidy sum as did this guy they ban you for not pay you...I'm starting to think that they are really sca**ers >_>
Dear US,
I've requested my payment today and the status the following:

2011-05-02 17:09:10 $152.00 PAYMENT BEING REVIEWED
I've received many succesful payments from you in the past but never seen this status (it always showed up "PENDING") could you please clarify this? My US username is AtaruZ.

Once again, thanks a lot for your serious work and attitude to become one of the five best hosting companies IMHO.

Best regards.

Ok that's really reassuring...the support doesn't respond to mails, the assistance are rude and in most cases unprepared, and if you earn a tidy sum as did this guy they ban you for not pay you...I'm starting to think that they are really sca**ers >_>
Use this thread to see users have been paid always, so please use common sense before speaking.He was most likely cheating which resulted in this action.

Dear US,
I've requested my payment today and the status the following:

2011-05-02 17:09:10 $152.00 PAYMENT BEING REVIEWED
I've received many succesful payments from you in the past but never seen this status (it always showed up "PENDING") could you please clarify this? My US username is AtaruZ.

Once again, thanks a lot for your serious work and attitude to become one of the five best hosting companies IMHO.

Best regards.

New payment server online sir.Thus the new details.
New payment server online sir.Thus the new details.

Thanks for your prompt reply! Payment time is still 7 business days?

@edward: i can confirm that UserShare IS NOT SCAM. They've paid me several times even three-digits sums. Once again, this thread is for support, questions about US and not rants. You've choose the wrong hosting company to rant to, I can assure US is honest and working!!!

Have fun!
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