

Active Member
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Dear WJ's,

We would like to introduce you to our new service UpStream that aims to provide you with a very stable platform for uploading and sharing videos with ease. We have noticed that after most major video hosting services went down, or terminated, most webmasters and uploaders went into some kind of instability and tried to find a service that match their expectations when it comes to features, but also offers a very high level of stability and has a great future of long term partnership with is partners.

We have decided to use our very long experience in this industry by establishing a video hosting service that match the user expectation when it comes to stability. We're glad that our history with DropAPK and its stability will help us to gain the people trust and proof our aims.

What do we have to offer at UpStream?

* Stable and free of bugs system, well established for the people.

* HLS Over-Air Streaming. Up to 3 times faster than regular HLS.

* High Standard HD quality.

* FTP Supported.

* Screen list - Splash thumbnail.

* Clone Upload

And all standard and basic features.

What about the most important part, payments?

We understand that hard workers in this industry are investing their time and efforts seeking to establish an additional income sources, so that's why we have decided to offer a stable affiliate program.

Accordingly, these are our rates:

And these are our payout methods:

* PayPal

* WebMoney

* Bitcoin

* Bitcoin Cash

* Payoneer

Should you discuss any feedback's? Please feel free. We're seeking to offer the people a very long term platform with the highest level of stability, so your opinion matters to improve the service and keeps it in the right direction.

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I do not understand who says he has collected, payment received.
Can you indicate without being bots or accounts close to the host how many you have xx in your earnings?
10,000 views 5 dollars?
It's been a scam for a long time and it's a shame that your thread is still open here, when the owner doesn't show his face anymore and hasn't paid everyone.
How are they going to care if we have several hosts that do not pay and no action is taken by eliminating them and marking them as scam?
xx 5usd
Here we have some that do not pay and others that pay 3usd for 10,000:metal:
Unfortunately, this host cheats on views from country XX but pays faster than streamvid or streamhub. I use it because I have an old account and therefore also a lot of files and views, and because it pays quickly now
yeah just relatively low rates
stop promoting this thread, this host should have been abandoned a long time ago and be called upscam, the owner does not appear, he pays whatever he wants, which is a pittance, 5 usd for 10,000 views and with a shave that leaves new hosts shivering .
I don't know why tango hasn't closed this thread a long time ago.
So that no one will fall for that lie, it's not even "relatively low rates", but scammingly low rates, most countries show up as XXX which get incredibly poor compensation like minor cents for pretty good amount of views, just don't use it, don't even try using it, and spare your energy whoever considers it, at this point this host lives off deceived uploaders or leftover traffic I guess.