UploadBoxs.com - Banner Earnings plus PPS 65%

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bro, plz do something with this automatic file converting thing.... its converting into half of size or 3times bigger than original.... i liked this host, plz help me to stay.
I will start using your host for streaming videos on my new blog.I added the adcode in my a/c.please approve it so that i can see how it goes.
My affliate id:danielc29

Is there any 30euro plan left.If so please add me to that.
I added the code you asked please check once.I'm not able to download the file i upload.The captcha is always wrong.I tried 10 times.My 2.7 mb flv file is getting converted to 14.7 mb.
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No we just reverted to what you upload is what it plays in.

So if you have mp4,flv..ect it will play in our custom player.
Later on we will encode again but we need to fine tune it to encode to around the same size as you would upload too.

Most people do upload mp4,but now you know what you upload is how it will play!!

Also now if you upload say a HD 720p or 1280p it will be a 720p or 1280p!!
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Heh i really need to check wj more often, i could have saved me hours of uploading by noticing you turned off converting ;)
Unfortunately, divx streaming is in very low demand - so low that it is hardly worth bothering for most people. I know converting is very expensive, but do bear in mind getting stuck in peoples minds as divx hoster could come even worse.

When the converting is reactivated, will we be able to convert the files already uploaded? I know that probably not, but would be nice to know before i start cleaning up after myself ;)

Btw, in this case, size does not really matter. Late x264 codecs are in fact so superior, that the size loss (30-40% as opposed to avi source, 4-5 MB/Min in 480p) comes without any considerable quality loss. Thats why most of the scene switched to x264.
However, them conversion methods are so sophisticated, that converting x264 with x264 might result in bigger filesize best case scenario, or even damage or picture distortion. Kind of the same way as archiving jpegs in zip/rar files.

Please do let us know when you resume converting.

Oh and i noticed some new ads resembling some sort of a shop - is that the mythical marketplace? Does it mean the ppv is close?

And did the banner ad from the video itself dissapear?
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Yes i noticed that banner ads are not working in my videos.Please don't change things too much.Just use jw player and make the ads appear.

Should be reconverting again in the next few days.

I myself don't really like the divx player at all,but if you look most of the biggest video hosters use divx?
To be honest its exactly the opossite. pl, ss, gv, mp, dc, nv, even gigants like yt, mv, gv. All flash.
As hard as i try i cant even come up with a single big service that would be divx. Except dd/vb, maybe. And i have no clue why are they still around.

Yeah, most of the filehosters are divx, but none of the big/popular ones are. XFS Divx hosters pop up and die every day. This is because making a divx xfs hoster has to be like the easiest way to make a quick buck, but only through an unique combination of user experience, good affiliatte programme and uploaders comfort makes a popular, recognizable hoster. And there is almost no user experience with divx hosters.

When i was wasting my time with divx hosters, i had an average 40 times less the views than on the flash mirrors; mp4 videos hosted by the same services received almost no difference in the audience.
Btw an interesting bias in these stats comes with a service present here on wj; this unnamed service counts the view when the streaming link is generated as opposed to a streamed percentage as usual.. And there is almost no difference, meaning the people actually come, realise they cannot stream without them plugins and bounce.

Now... any comments on why did the banner over the video dissapear? Seems like it was the only thing that got any clicks.
Hey guy's.

Well this has been a great start to our host.

Seems last night some expert gain access to our servers and encypted all the data and site.
They are black mailing us to release the content,we had our data center disconnect the servers and are looking at what can be done to get the data back,but does not seem good so far:(

You know what you put alot of time in to a site and some FUCK does this.
We have a backup of the site,but this guy has said he will just bring it down again,so we are looking into what can be done to lockup the site,but like anything server side mods in whm/ubuntu can always be hacked.

Ill post whats going to happen soon:(
We have all the content thats fine,we can use a backup of the site files.

Our concern is how he accessed the servers and how we can stop this in the future.
Hey guy's

Seems theres no way to un-encypt the data.
So it's back to the drawing board to build a new script from the ground up and move to a more secure host and have a expert lock down our servers so this does not happen.

We will also have to change the name of the site just to be safe.
Ill leave this thread open for the next 24 hours.
If you want to PM to be sent information on when we launch under a new name custom site PM me.
I am really sorry,atleast we don't owe any money or pending payments,right before we were going to start PPV marketplace.

We had already started on our own custom script so most of it's completed just needs to complete the design of it.
I also think most people would like a custom site to use,maybe we might add SSL to the site too.
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