UploadBoxs.com - Banner Earnings plus PPS 65%

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I can't add twittet account. Why not working ?? I get an error then i want to add twitter account to uploabox account. Please fix it.
Its been fixed now you can use twitter.

We are also adding new servers today so system maybe on off for a few hours.
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Raid as in with all the helicopters and machine guns, or the boring one with hard drives?
Didnt get that email.

Anyway, is it safe to upload now, no risks of wasting hours and hours of work and all again?

Added after 15 minutes:

oh, forget about that, i see uploading got restricted to 3 files at the time. like if 5 at the time, slow as hell, was not enough.
im not wasting my youth with this.
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If you ask for paypal you don't really know what your talking about.
We are fine if you don't want to use us untill we get paypal as this will not happen.

Please find another forum to spam!!


Good luck with your next host maybe you might want to help out instead of just wanting everything for free.
Dude, seriously?

You dont really get the whole "who brings me visitors?" deal, do you?

Throwing them sticks under their feet without as much as a sorry or a simple why and taking them for leeches must be a great strategy though. Do you have any idea how much work is it to upload, index and spread all that stuff?

I have never did so much for the miserable 4 eurocents i earned with you. Expecting this from people with complete disregard for any of their comfort and trying to charge them for something as basic as flash upload... Now, thats wanting everything for free instead of wanting to help out in my book.

You should seriously think about that. There are enough hosts taking a piss out of uploaders. Not many of them go through the trouble to represent that on wjunction, though. Usually people do that when they have something good to offer, which kind of makes more sense.
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Tell me this why is it always about you!!
As stated a million times our PPV is not active yet,if you don't have people downloading then thats not upto us is it.

Do you really think a hoster is in to make money,try it yourself and see,its one of the slowest and hardest ways to make a income.

A - Uploaders like yourself want unlimited storage
B - You want every way to upload free
C - You want premium accounts in return for..........?

Instead of being all about your self which will not get you far try asking questions and please just stop making stuff up.
Yes i have read some of your posts on other threads.

Do you know how much time and money goes into setting up a file hosts?
a server can cost anywhere from 400 euros to 1000 euros a month each.

Just ask before you shot off about stuff first might get you something in return.

We are not here to go sorry sir,its our business and we treat people how they treat us,if you don't like that goto another filehost.
The real uploaders do not go on like you do at all!!
I never asked you for a premium account, unlimited storage, or any other means of upload. I merely stated that treating your uploaders like crap is a bad way of conduct.

I contacted you once, when i didnt receive my confirmation e-mail.

I never said everything is about me, neither i wanted to start a peeing contest in who has the hardest job. Pointing out that putting up with this is not easy is in no way comparing to obstacles you have to overcome, just trying to shed some light in whats the uploaders job like, and what are you dismissing as peasantry.

I also treated you nice until you accused me of "wanting everything for free and not being willing to help" - i even replied to your spam PM in a respectful matter and did not report it, which is about as nice as can get. So. No, sir, you are not treating me as i treat you.
Ernest is doing right thing, cheers
Seems like this host owner is selfish kid and argues with no point
Why these rhetorical questions about costs to run such business?
You came here and proposed money for promoting your product.
By now i see there is no working product and instead of that crying
kid in head of host.
Can you pay me for my effort 5$?
Please replay here commander.
Thats fine you have your right to say what you want.

But lets not define as Uploaders more like 1 person.
Just because one person we feel has a problem does not mean all.

Viidik -->Who are you.

Now you are being silly $5 is not the request payment level.
Thats fine you have your right to say what you want.

But lets not define as Uploaders more like 1 person.
Just because one person we feel has a problem does not mean all.

If you think i am the only one "having problem" just because so far i am the only one commenting on all this, you are seriously underestimating your users.

Sure everyone will love even further restricted upload, condesending admin and a model expecting income from uploaders.


Why are you on wjunction, actually? I am asking because people usually do that to lure uploaders, not deter them or have a chance to verbally abuse them.

Here is an example of a discussion that usually takes place on wjunction, intended to make best of current situation and provide a good reputation for represented host:

A - Dude, did you restrict the upload even further?
B - Yes, we had to do that because of the load we are currently under. Hope in time we will be able to make it better again, meanwhile you can consider purchasing a premium account and start using alternate upload methods.

instead of

B - Yeah you slack, dont cry here and go use another host, if you are just a leech that wont bring me any money.

Now i know the difference is very hard to notice, but beware, it holds the whole point of even being around here.

Ernest is doing right thing, cheers

Thank you, but i dont actually get what you want either ;) If you want to support my claim, a simple thumbs up is more than enough.

You never sent a PM???
i just now made my proposal
after you was asking who i am

Added after 11 minutes:

If you think i am the only one "having problem" just because so far i am the only one commenting on all this, you are seriously underestimating your users. ...

Thank you, but i dont actually get what you want either ;) If you want to support my claim, a simple thumbs up is more than enough.

I claim here 5$ for my effort promoting unfinished product uploadboxs.com
I claim here,,not at uploadboxs becasue it is not working and i see here
representative of this moneymaking site.
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