- Read WJunction staff note (last post)

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lol.whether it was junk,chunk,drunk whatever but i didnt receive your reply xD .And i asked about alternative payout options in my first email,as i wasn't comfortable with PP and cheques,but there you didnt mention bank wire as an option.Anyways glad to see bankwire is an option,and i might reconsider trying SZ again.
My traffic is even worse than I thought.
Sending 700 uniques a day now for 5 days and only a 14.99$ sale, guess I need to optimize.
They will pay tomorrow I think as it is Sunday now. Don't worry about payouts, they always pay. I have been paid 7 times since 2009 (all money I have collected).
Have you been paid out before? This is my first month with them so I'm a little nervous lol, made a lot of money through them though so I'm eager to get paid out. :D

Yes,this will be my 3rd payment but did'nt used this for more than 1 year and a half (because katz did not allow this and i was 5* at the time so i quited)
Yes,this will be my 3rd payment but did'nt used this for more than 1 year and a half (because katz did not allow this and i was 5* at the time so i quited)
I tell you what, I'm really glad Katz doesn't dictate the warez scene anymore.

Waiting for payout today then since it's Monday. :)
If you talk to their support or Optimus they will tell you it's like an increase of 10% in conversions. I myself has been around 15% - 20% but it will be different for most people.

Remember your traffic dictates most of the conversions, and naturally if you are having decent conversions before the switch to page 2, then you'll convert better.

And yeah they pay all the time and if it's on a weekend they will pay the Monday. Also you get all the money from the 1st day of the month till the last day of the month. So whatever you made in April, you get May 15th. What ever you make this month, you'll get June 15th.

Simple process really. Of course if you make a lot of money with them, they also pay Bi-Weekly.
Please Help (KatzDDL)

Respected Admin,

We joined affiliates last week and sent near about 2500 hits and 1000 unique to our link

Please check and look into the matter why no sales conversions in our account. Are we doing everything right or something wrong with us ?

Hoping for a favorable action.

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