- Three type partnership programs, $33/1000 downloads, 60% on Sales

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Hi admin ,

Look at picture

Can you set it free for withdraw money ?
I cann't wait for 10 days
and hope you pay me i don't want to work for free


This is a good way to secure when user change payment detail but it isn't necessary for the first time when user fill info in payment detail (not changing). Shareflare, could you change this? We want a payment in this time (even just $10) to be sure about file hosts
you can never be sure about filehosts nowadays :)

even you withdraw 10$ once from a filehost, it doesn't mean that when you collect 100$ the next time they will send it...

10 days is a short wait, so just kick back and relax... everyone goes through that, why make exception for you?! and if you are so worried, don't upload the first 10 days until this passes...
can i get 100% revenue of remote uploaded files???
yes, you get 100% and I want to ask Shareflare if this can be changed... I for one do not just leech other's files but I make my own content so it really worries me that guys like Wadibahi can copy all my content to their account in a blink of the eye... Other filehosts that allow internal leech let the original uploader earn a certain % of the leecher's downloads, it's only fair this way, and also reduces spam. Please, Shareflare, think about it, or add function to block leech of my files, I don't want everyone to be able to copy them to their account for free :(
Lot of users use & like shareflare & brother sites bcz they provide awesome internal leech to all respected user
This is very good idea to provide internal leech
you can never be sure about filehosts nowadays :)

even you withdraw 10$ once from a filehost, it doesn't mean that when you collect 100$ the next time they will send it...

10 days is a short wait, so just kick back and relax... everyone goes through that, why make exception for you?! and if you are so worried, don't upload the first 10 days until this passes...

When I wrote "sure", I don't mean it will never scam but I will sure it's paying.

10 days is not a short wait. It's short only with you not me. And I don't think it's only me. I quote from other post and give him suggestion.
Lot of users use & like shareflare & brother sites bcz they provide awesome internal leech to all respected user
This is very good idea to provide internal leech
It is a good idea only if you are the one stealing other's files. If you are the one spending so much time to make the files, then it is no longer any good that I cannot stop anyone to copy my content in a few seconds with this leech feature and I won't even get a lousy % from it for all my work. X-(

When I wrote "sure", I don't mean it will never scam but I will sure it's paying.

10 days is not a short wait. It's short only with you not me. And I don't think it's only me. I quote from other post and give him suggestion.
Some other filehosts let you withdraw immediately but make you wait 10 or more days for the withdrawal itself, while I heard Shareflare pays immediately (with webmoney at least), so it's practically the same thing. If you are so "special", why you come to this filehost that makes you wait? Because you know better of all the filehosts here on wjunction, this is the oldest and most reliable. So just wait, I'm sure they will pay (unless you are cheating the system or something - perhaps they need the time to check new accounts?), you only have 4 days in the screenshot and today almost passed anyway...
It is a good idea only if you are the one stealing other's files. If you are the one spending so much time to make the files, then it is no longer any good that I cannot stop anyone to copy my content in a few seconds with this leech feature and I won't even get a lousy % from it for all my work. X-(

Some other filehosts let you withdraw immediately but make you wait 10 or more days for the withdrawal itself, while I heard Shareflare pays immediately (with webmoney at least), so it's practically the same thing. If you are so "special", why you come to this filehost that makes you wait? Because you know better of all the filehosts here on wjunction, this is the oldest and most reliable. So just wait, I'm sure they will pay (unless you are cheating the system or something - perhaps they need the time to check new accounts?), you only have 4 days in the screenshot and today almost passed anyway...

In fact, if I'm so "special", why can't I go with this file host? And as I said before, it's not my screenshot. Did you really read before posting?

And what I'm trying to say that it's not necessary for first time user fill payment info. If they need time to verify before pay, they have time after we request like or they should write it in their FAQ or Affiliate page.

And you have your opinion and I have mine too. And I and other (at least 1) just give shareflare suggestion.
Oh sorry the screen was of the other special guy, you just used it :P I wouldn't say you were making suggestion, it sounded more like you order them to remove the limit on those like you that earn a lot in 10 days because you can't wait, and the rest of us can... But if there is a rule, it's there for everyone, that's what I was saying...
Hi Shareflare. I intend to work again with you but I have a problem.. and I need a solution for that

More then 80% of my uploaded files have this status, and can't be downloaded. I understand that those are corupted, but why it had happen?
All my files now are gone and I can't reuploaded it again.

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