- VPS services starting from $15/month (Netherlands)

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Everyone has to remember servedome is based in Singapore if anyone did any research its very late there in Singapore. And as i do not have access to everything or else i would be able to help more

DLow, I appreciate you working on this problem but accusing ServeDome customers of not doing "any research" is insulting. I'm well aware that SD is based in Singapore. I'm also well aware that ServeDome advertises 24/7 tech support and a 99.95% uptime guarantee. If you don't offer support when it's nighttime in Singapore then you should just say so.

Also, I submitted multiple tickets about the issue this morning and did not receive ANY response whatsoever. I had to search and find this forum to find out what was going on. A simple email would have gone a long way in easing my concerns about this problem. What about all of your customers who still have no clue what is going on with their servers?
Its been more than 12 hours that my VPS is down, can access website and Kloxo, Created a ticket 12 hours ago which is still not replied, Owner is offline here also.

Who am I supposed to contact??

I assume its a general issue with servedome's servers after reading other posts here, I hope they will fix it soon, but at least reply to tickets to let us know what the problem is.
Servedome is one of the best in service and support...but there is clearly room for improvement...24/7 support should actually mean 24/7 support

They should assign someone the night shift, or at the very least give out personal numbers to their employees like Dlow or whatnot so they can be woken up during emergencies like this to remedy the problem. Instead of letting every customer sit around for the last 12+ hours CLUELESS about the situation.

Honestly, I've had nothing but downtime on their shared hosting, and I migrated over the VPS package only to have it completely go down...I'm definitely not getting anywhere close to 99.95% uptime.
Would be nice to at least hear word from someone as to what the problem is and when we can be expect to be back up. Been down for at least 16 hours (time since I woke up and realized things were down and sent a message to support).
Calm down guys. It might be a hardware issues. Otherwise, it's way too much time for a serious company to fix the servers.

No worries about your data, they have RAID-1(unless the owner lied which I highly doubt) so even if the main HDD crashes your data is safe.
It doesn't matter what the problem is. They should at least take 5 minutes to respond to the tickets and let the customers know what's going on instead of leaving them in the dark like this. I would at least like to know what the situation is so I could decide if I need to jump ship and move to a different hosting company, like what happened with Ace's CrypticVPS.
This is absolutely irritating...

Unprofessionalism to the best of it!

They don't have a online chat facility, their executives seem to answer tickets after 19 hours - 22 hours,

Abhishek isn't seen online, and its been today, third consecutive time exactly on Fridays that my VPS goes down?

And whenever i book a ticket, they answer me after like hours to gether, which doesn't solve my purpose of even having a VPS

Its absolutely insane that they don't have the best of support and its highly disappointing and very very annoying!

Their service is getting from bad to worst shape now!
From today.

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