- Install Tickets at $7.50

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Yea, thats caused by the spaces in the file name. The space issue is there as windows does not accept single quotes around file names like linux does. Moreover, spaces are supposed to be replaced by underscore when processed by sBorg... I'll check the code to see whats going on. Thanks for the report.

This has been fixed and a free update released. Update and it'll work fine. For more info:

While updating :

Fatal error: Class 'PclZip' not found in C:\sborg_winx\htdocs\sborg\includes\pclzip.lib.php on line 2

hi i want to ask can i put a folder have folders and make screenshots to them with sborg

I am not sure i quite understand you, however yes, you can take scrrenshots of video placed within folders with sBorg. However remember that sBorg will copy all files to its working directory before taking screenshots.

While updating :

Fatal error: Class 'PclZip' not found in C:\sborg_winx\htdocs\sborg\includes\pclzip.lib.php on line 2

Yes, that happens when the patch file is no longer there. Each patch file is kept online for a max of 7 days for current clients to update. If you have installed your sBorg after the patch was released, your sBorg already contains all required patches (and some more).
That is the server setup guide for those who want to configure their server for sBorg aswell. There are actually 2 setup guides on that page (hard & easy way).

If you just want to buy sBorg install ticket to install on your own server, you can run it if u customize your current setup. When you order, we'll send you all the required details to your email address.

You can check our plans and order via alertpay here:

For payments through paypal:

i need to buy only 1 install , but there is 2 install set by you now what to do ?
If you are paying via paypal or alertpay, i can give you 1 install ticket for $5.00. PM me if you are interested.

cant buy single install, the minimum is 5?

i only need one for personal use.
Minimum is 2 for $10.
If you are paying via paypal or alertpay, i can give you 1 install ticket for $5.00. PM me if you are interested.

can you do something for filesonic it is always stop uploading there ?
Yes, reinstall sBorg v4.5 by going to sborg/install.php and it'll fix the filesonic problem once and for all. Due to changes to sBorg's core, i could not include it in the patch.

Hi! When I want transload a list of Fileserve Links I got this error:

Direct FileServe download link not found

Only for list of links. Single link work fine. Why?

Sborg v4.2
Last edited:
By list links, do you mean this:

If so, sBorg cant retrieve the individual links from link list. You have to enter all the individual links one by one like:


By list links, do you mean this:

If so, sBorg cant retrieve the individual links from link list. You have to enter all the individual links one by one like:


Of Course! I want transload links like this:


But the error still.

Direct FileServe download link not found
Fileserve has this weird problem from time to time. Try adding www in front of the domain.

Somik please come on msn buying 5 installs and install transmission on a VPS...all paid
Sorry, my net was causing a bit of trouble yestarday. Could you please PM me the details of your vps or open a support ticket? Thanks.

can i get my sborg updated to latest version v4.7? also how do i extend my account before it expires?
Before your account expires, you'll get a notification email. You can renew it at any time you prefer aswell. As for the upgrade, open a support ticket with required details and i'll upgrade your account.

update to 4.7,
but sometime upload to filesonic still stop working.
if i will buffer size setting 2048,
can reduce the failure rate?
i use virtualmin panel.
could you reduce 5 install price to $15? :/
Erm... Sorry but i also have to pay the payment gateway charges on top of month fees for the dedicated server which hosts the licensing server.

update to 4.7,
but sometime upload to filesonic still stop working.
if i will buffer size setting 2048,
can reduce the failure rate?
i use virtualmin panel.
Filesonic does not "stop" working. Its your browser timing out. Filesonic keeps working in the background. The progress bar is disabled for filesonic to make sure sBorg doesn't crash when the shitty filesonic server does not respond. That was the only way i could make sBorg upload to filesonic.

Btw, you are NOT supposed to keep the browser window open after u run sBorg. You are supposed to click the "activate" button, and when you see the submit page start to load, close the window/tag/browser and do something else.
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