- Install Tickets at $7.50

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Awesome, just tried 4.0 ;) really gud :)
Thank you! This has been in development for over 1 month! Great to see all the hard work finally paid off :D

yeah really good and great support too :D

but there's 2 points that I still prefer to 3.7=
1) how easy to use del.php, without go to fileman, just click link that I've bookmarked :p
2) submit without select post template

--edit-- del.php is now easy as 3.7
---edit again--- no, I was wrong about del.php :(
Yea, i know, sorry about that. I'll release a free update with del.php and duckload link formating, and torrent download fix soon. Then it'll be as easy as the rest :)

is the price of sborg 3.7 and sborg 4.0 different?
No, the prices are same, and you can use the install tickets in your account (if you have any) to install the latest version (sborg 4.0) aswell!

somik is there any way we can just leech the file and without extracting them just upload them?
Jayzzy, on the 'Transload' page click on the "Advanced Options" and un-check Enable AI Smart-Extract?.
What he said! You can also tick the change md5 in case you dont want your files to be deleted :)
Perhaps i'm going blind but i cant find where to get the url to use for fetching hosts that sborg doesn't support with v4.0. Previously i could just go to File Manager and right click /copy but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. and i get 404's trying to use the url that appears in the log for the file.

Any clue anyone?
I knew one of you are going to ask me this, so i kept the old file manager in there ;)

Go to sborg/fileman_old.php

It'll take you to the old filemanger (the one from v3.7 ;) )

You may thank me for keeping this now :p
Indeed, thanks.

Can't say i'm a fan of the new one, simplicity for standalone renaming, rar/unrar etc is the one thing that rapidleech beats SBorg in. It's gotta be good at something, right? :P
Indeed, thanks.

Can't say i'm a fan of the new one, simplicity for standalone renaming, rar/unrar etc is the one thing that rapidleech beats SBorg in. It's gotta be good at something, right? :P
You can use the filemanager provided in sBorg 4.0 for renaming/unrar. Btw, sborg has a automated unRAR feature (which you can disable too).

No mroe canada plans?
on Germany dont we get slow FS download and upload ?
FS download is at 5 MB/s and upload is at 4 MB/s when i tested with a 200 MB file :)
sborg 3.7 is a buggy script,
often has an error "Fileserve direct link not found"
cant upload to filesonic
now congrats this new bug found this maybe fileserve change there system.

dont you think i deserve a refund as u said,
If you read carefully, that refund is only applicable when you pay for sBorg support for your own server. It means if you cannot work with sBorg on your own server, you open a support ticket and make a payment of $20 to for sborg support. If we find that the error you are getting is due to a bug we will refund you the $20 you paid for sborg support.

This is denoted by the star ( * ) after $20.00 on line 2 of your screenshot, and on line 4, that star ( * ) is clarified.

As for the fileserve error you got, it is due to the fact that no file was downloaded in the first case. You have used sBorg v3.7 where "real-debird" is banned. Untick "realdebrid premium link generator" and use your premium accounts, or use any other direct download links and then see what happens.
From your screenshot, "Interpretation Error" ONLY occurs when u tick "Use Real-debrid premium link generator" and it cannot download from real-debrid. I would know. I coded the whole script ;)

Try again now without ticking the "checkbox" under the big text box and see what happens.
Hey there I cannot open my sBorg, my c Panel and I can't open support ticket.....And on the end of the ends you are offline on msn all the time. Pal I have a problem, I can't use my sBorg for 5-6 days and I don't like that....
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