- Install Tickets at $7.50

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Did ya fix the bugs I sent ya? :-x
Yes, all fixed. Now i am just waiting to release sBorg 4.0!

when i buy an install ticket does that give me the files also ?
i am thinking of buying a vps then installing it onto it..
Yes, you will get the installer with which you can install sBorg on your VPS. We will also send you full details on how to do it :)

One confusion :

I upload to multiple forums.

I want to download one file and upload it to say 3 different forums.

So my rar name for the 3 forums should be file_abc, file_xyz, file_123.

I tried opening sBorg in 3 different windows, put the file to transload (same FS link for all 3 windows), entered the new file name and all, activated sBorg.

But only one gets uploaded, rest failed.

I tried unticking Delete files after Upload, but still didnt help.

This is not possible?
For the same file to be uploaded 3 times, you either need 3 different sBorg installs OR 3 different "post titles" (works on sBorg 4.0 only). If you put in a post title sBorg will download the files under a folder with the same name as post title and process the files seperately.

That's what is one of sBorg's weaknesses .... you can only do one post at a time, there is no queue system.

And opening three windows is not recommended as it will strain the server. I tried it also but most of the second and third posts failed with numerous error messages.

Best is to upload and then submit your sBorg generated post with an Autosubmitter like Batori's.
No longer a weakness as i fixed it on 4.0 :D But you are right about the strain on the server. Then again, 10 copies of sBorg causes the same stress as 1 rapidleech ;)

Hhmmmm, posting is not an issue here.

I prefer posting manually to the forums I upload (and yeah, i own a MP4).

I was concerned of uploading, like, I dont want to upload one by one, and keep posting it forums once one of them finishes.

I would have preferred RL in that case.

I liked the way sBorg prepares its post, so I was just hoping that opening 3 windows would have worked :|
You can couple sBorg with MP4 as thats a really good match. Just follow the steps i wrote above and you wont face any problem. Remember, different post titles when you "download" the same files will keep the files seperate!

I contacted sborg support about the problem of being file reduced when uploaded, and they said it has been solved in the latest v4. When I asked 4 the link to upgrade, they said not out yet. LOL
It'll be out soon enough (maybe 2moro even!) so just wait a bit more. This release is a BIG one (12.8 MB compared to 11.6 MB for v3.7) with about 800kb of PHP codes (compared to 600kb of v3.7), so it took a lot longer (over 1 month of devlopment)

It is that sborg only recognise one CD for uploading(incase of 2CD packs), and the sample video file(if there is a sample inside the rar). Thus the file is reduced. i.e. it only uploads one cd or the sample to your file hosts.
Sometimes it processed the samples, other times it detected 1 part of the CD, but most times it was able to recognize both CDs without problem and archived them together. This was a limitation of the UnRAR AI that I developed. I have upgraded the AI so it should work fine on sBorg 4.0 onward :)

how to get test version?
i think test my vps isn't work.
You can just open as support ticket to get the installer to check if you are able to install sBorg on your VPS. Our automated installer is able to detect everything needed to run sBorg on a server with 100% accuracy!


sBorg v4.0 will be released soon. I am done coding it and so far in testing, its been bug free. Dont be surprised to wake up 2moro to see sBorg 4.0 released ;)

custom templates for your site, its great, i will definately be buying sborg 4.0 with a vps, just need 2 find a half decent vps then i will get them XD
i setting my vps to:

is it ok?
now,i only need buy install ticket?
^^ What he said :p

And yes, if you edit the post template as you like and use it to post, you can post in that format. Give it your unique touch and sBorg will follow! sBorg was not ment to be a "fully automated robot", human interaction is needed, which is why we call it sBorg (as cyborg). You teach her how to make your post and she'll follow your every command ;)
Can you add a setting so it will give almost live dl/up speeds instead of just showing the speed at the end. I realise it might slow it down but adding it in settings will allow people to choose as they wish.
sBorg is meant for speed and performance. All other features are cast aside, specially those which hinder its speed and performance in anyway. Moreover, this is not something you can turn on and off. This will either be there or not be there. I have said before and i say it again, sBorg will not have auto grabbers and live download/upload speed meters.
yeah really good and great support too :D

but there's 2 points that I still prefer to 3.7=
1) how easy to use del.php, without go to fileman, just click link that I've bookmarked :p
2) submit without select post template

--edit-- del.php is now easy as 3.7
---edit again--- no, I was wrong about del.php :(
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